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Sea fan


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Hi I just got a seafan from coralfarm today.

Any advise on seafan requirements and feedings ?

woh coralfarm is huge. Only softcoral. Saw some elephant ears but reserved for overseas customers already.

Anyone has big/huge elephant ear to let go? :)

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Another one bites the dust... :(

Can I suggest if you are not sure what it is and its feeding requirements, that you don't buy it?

Don't fuel the trade in impossible to keep species...

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  • SRC Member
Do sea fan require strong lights or just currents will do?


Basically there are 2 types, those that need light and those that do not need.

Those that do not need bright light tend to be more colourful, and harder to keep.

Need to be feed constantly.

Those tt do need light tend to be less colourful, easier to keep.

Note: ALL sea fans needs strong currents to bring it food and for shedding it's "skin".

Did I get any of the above info worng? Pls correct me :D

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