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Problem with Lights on my 24G NanoCube


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Any bros have experience with the lighting on the 24G NanoCube.

I just bought my cube like a month ago. It comes with 4 lights. 2 white and 2 blue.

Today I found out that 2 tube where not working.

After unscrewing the clear cover, I was able to determine that its the ballast thats giving the problem the tube are working fine.. But I was not able to unscrew the ballast to have a look at the wiring...seems like its not meant to be opened, as the screw have a nut on the inside..

Anyone with experience in this can help? Or is ther another problem that I'm not aware off?


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the nc comes with 2x36w 50/50 PL lighting.

which means that each tube is half white and half blue when lit.

i doubt it's a ballast problem but if it is, the ballast is under warranty so i suggest you contact the shop you bought it from or the agent direct. opening it may void the warranty.

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You can call the agent directly, no point call the shop because they are not going to entertain you and will just tell you that they will call the agent to contact you.

I have spoken to two agents before regard to the jbjnanocube, they are quite friendly and willing to help, response was fast too. As long as you keep the receipt, no problem. FYI, it doesn't come with warranty card, receipt is the warranty... if you lost your receipt, bad luck. It come with 6 months warranty. I have mine for almost 4 months, no problem..

The feedback for jbjnano doesn't have problem in the lighting, but do have crack problem, that only experience in US because of drastic change of weather, Singapore is ok.

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