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  • SRC Member

Hi all, a Happy New Year to All.

I'm new to the hobby, recently, I stared a 24 Nano. I wanted to place an anemone and a clown fish in it. Usually, anemones are going like 55-100 in the LFS. But I stumbbled across a good deal where I could get 3 for $10. So it was a stael for me to resist. Making sure I got small ones so as not to overcrowd my tank.

But now I'm worried that its too many...cos clown and anemone prawn died the very next day, does the venom actually get deposited as they move around the tank and its stinging my other fishes to death...can anyone advise?

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Hi ... Welcome to the hobby.

first of all death of your clown and anemone shrimp is definately not caused by your anemones, most probably because your tank is either not ready for them or they are already in bad health.

Check your water parameters and conditions first before adding any more life stocks. how long have you cycled your tank?

anemones moving about the tank is normal during the first few days of introduction. They will move around looking for the best location and conditions. Once they are satisfied, they stay put permenently.

BEWARE! Anemones are very sensitive to lighting and water conditions. They generally require good lighting and moderate current. Bad water conditions will cause death within 48 hours.

Enjoy your hobby and have a Happy New Year!

Word of encouragement......

I've anemones that have celebrated more than 3 birthdays with me liao.. :D

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  • SRC Member

Thanks augustine..So you dont think 3 is too many for my 1.5 feet tank?Anyways, I think one big anemone has crawled up and it is killing my sponges. I will attemtp to remove it to a rock instead.

My blue sponge is also truning white now.

My tanks has been circling for approx 2 weeks..

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  • SRC Member

i think its best u chk yr parameters very carefully as 2 weeks of cycling is abit dangerours to b keeping anemones. Any death to one anemone will probably wipe out yr whole tank so be very careful.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  • SRC Member

Now I'm getting worried, I removed one today and am planning of removing the other. I'm giving it up FREE for ADOTPION. Anyone interested? They look too healthy to part with, but I guess its for the good of the tank.

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  • SRC Member
Thanks augustine..So you dont think 3 is too many for my 1.5 feet tank?Anyways, I think one big anemone has crawled up and it is killing my sponges. I will attemtp to remove it to a rock instead.

My blue sponge is also truning white now.

My tanks has been circling for approx 2 weeks..


2 weeks of cycling is still too early to put any live stock, let alone 3 anemone,sponge,clown fish...

suggest wait another 2 weeks & maybe a SINGLE FISH ONLY first .

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My previous anemones were moving all over the place. I tried to make them happy with their original locations by giving them lots of light and arrange a nice hole (with LRs) for them to hide.

Avoid overfeeding coz that kills anemones. I found out the hard way... :(

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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  • SRC Member

I dont know the name, but they are purplish and one has lime green stem. Msg me at 97434185. I have left them out of tank, so hope you get them by tomorrow before they die. SMS me quick. You have to pick them from the East.

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  • SRC Member
what do u mean u left them out of the tank? sorry if i sound like an idiot but i hope u left them outside the tank but in water? also with at least some sort of circulation or something.

You mean they need water? ...

Just kidding...Yeah I did. Checked them this morning, they are still alive. Come and get them today. Please SMS me whoever's interested, thanks.

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