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Changed water

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  • SRC Member
dude u might've been having a case of diatoms....it happens when there's not enough current flow in certain areas. However as for your anemones i think it's best you list down what kind of lighting system you have and also if possible water parameters.

for anemones, lighting and water flow is very important ...


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  • SRC Member

as the bros said..

anemone required high level of light and good water flow

the reddis brown stuff maybe diatoms or cyano

try using a phospate remover and do weekly/monthly water changes for the best results..

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  • SRC Member

how are your anemones doing? also, just letting you know, most powerheads are not suited to be turned on and off on frequent basis so just letting you know you might be spoiling your powerheads faster than you should.

hope your anemones are fine. make sure your water parameters are good

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  • SRC Member

u should be lookin for 0 ammonia 0 nitrite and 0 nitrate....or at least close to 0 nitrate as much as possible.

Lighting wise....they need lots of light...for a 4ft u are using only 2 T5 tubes..are they high output? what's how tall is your tank? frankly if your tank is about 1.5 ft high and u are using 2 tubes only(i hope they are high outputs not normal output)..the only way i see u getting away with it is by putting them high up the rockwork as close to the light as possible.

what's the wattage per tube of your t5's?

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