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Blueheaven signing out


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  • SRC Member

Dear AT,

ive tried to refrain from getting more involved in this debate, but i think theres a pertinent point that needs making here. truthfully, I dont see how your previous few posts defending BH has helped in any way to placate the situation- does it not, on the contrary, set things up to be oppositional? where people are either for, or against BH? we need some room for those that may have some criticisms of BH but who dont mean him any malice.

this issue has been brewing for a long time i think. I mean, in the past year, so many unflattering comments about BH have been bandied about, and quite simply, it has only been the image which BH's actions have portrayed. Has BH not asserted himself as an expert on many occasions? and has he not seen fit to chide many others when the situation did not call for it; when he is not privy to the actual background issues that were not revealed openly online; and when he is not authorised to do so? if he wished to notify the mods to close a thread, he couldve just sent the mods a pm, he neednt announce it in a manner which many feels is akin to talking down to them. the same way lots of people feel that he announces his personal ties to anthony Calfo like its a credential. Are we, reefers that are part of this community too, the ones who should indefinitely bear the onus for giving him the benefit of doubt? Do you truly feel that we are a community that does not care for its own? i dont think so. you may care for your wife or girlfriend, but it doesnt mean quarrels dont occur. Likewise, BH has to show that he is capable of being accountable for his actions.

I am sorry if my post in the "reefers gathering" thread revealed the chaeto incident, and gave people more fuel to slam him, but honestly, it was a question that needed answering- none of us knew that you gave him the chaeto. everyone else on the other hand, knew that anthony C. wished to spread the use of chaeto for nutrient export amongst the local community. and lots of reefers like bro weileong and all, have pm-ed BH in the past asking him about the chaeto in private, but still nobody came to know that you gave it to him. and it was only after so many questions were asked of him by fellow reefers as to why he's selling the chaeto, that he began to gave it away.

seriously, the chaeto is a small issue. and a few bucks for good chaeto is plainly cheap already. moreover, if he was given the chaeto, its his right to do with it as he pleases- he had to culture it, so he deserves the fee he charged. the thing is though, nobody knew you gave it solely to him as a reward, and when people who didnt know asked him about it, they werent clearer thereafter, which is why it then grew into an issue and just proved to be a catalyst for all the other issues that were hiding in the background.

personally, I have had a handful of correspondences with BH in the past, having sent him calcification article links, exchanged chaeto for bottles, and even passed him the tablatures and sheet music that i used to use for teaching guitar lessons, so its not that i bear anything against him. likewise, i do think he is quite knowledgeable...... the thing is though, does being knowledgeable give you any intrinsic authority or standing?



, but its often

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I agree with Ian.

BH has been demonstrating his moderation skills for a while. I generally do not have much comments on this, but if he is percieved to have done good job at that (judging from the support he has gathered here), I would have thought that he'd be given moderator rights a long time ago. Instead of having to struggle with doing the work without the proper authorization, this matter would not have develop to today's situation.

I do not know BH personally, but I don't really agree with his style. As Ian has mentioned, if he wishes to point out questionable threads to the moderators, there is always this "Report" button at the postings which he can use instead of announcing it openly (I have used a few times myself). Even when there are PM correspondence, we can be sure that we are kept well aware of that. This thread is probably the ultimate: announcing himself leaving of the forum. To me, this is the ulitmate form of egoism.

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys;

We are still dwelling on BH issue? I guess this more interesting than the coming general election. :D

My believe is that:

1. Man is sometimes greedy. (cheato issue? Ric issue?) But PAP encourage entreprenuership. I would say I encourage it. Laugh not at the one that "tried and failed" but laugh at the one that "fail to try"

2. BH's head swell and sound arrogant? Sound like good aide of Antony? Does it really seems so or it is so that we feel funny being taugh by a 16yo? Thread he answer, sound like he is the expert? It really does but the answer is also well answer. So...? To be exact, I hold high regards for Bro Ian, Bro Weileong and BH, for answering most question expertly, I learn most from the 3 of them. By theory of relativity, Ian and Weileong, are more humble, and to make matter worst, BH is young... Hope he learn from this episode.

3. BH, if you are reading. Job well done at SRC.


30G Corner Tank with 10G Sump, 2 x 24W artinic T5, 1 x 24W 10K, 1x 24W 20K, 3" Grade 0 sand & Live rocks, Activated Carbon, Bio-home, 2 x Seio M620, Hailea 1/2HP Chiller, Redsea Pro Skimmer

Live Stock:

Turbo Snail x 1, Green Mandarin Dragonet X 2, Blue Tang X 2, True percular x 2, 1 x Algae Bleenie, Clarke clown x 2


1 x 2" Blue maxima, Red/Brown/Purple Mushroom (Discosoma), Pink Ricordea yuma, A little colony Brown/Green common Zoanthus, Red/Pink/Green US Zoanthus, Eagle-eye Zoathus, 14 Branch Goniopora Pandoraensis, 1 Starburst Polyps, 3 + 2 Branch Frogspawn, 4 Blasto, palythoa, Cheato

RIPs (Since June 2005):

1. Sabae clown (KO by Clarke clown) 2. 1 branch melted frogspawn 4 branch 3. Golden maxima (Ripe the base off rock by me) 4. Algae Bleenie x 2 (Starvation) 5. Blue Maxima x 1, 2 x Maxima, 1 x frogspawn, rics (Overtemp...)

Old 30G Corner Tank.

Restarted 30G Corner Tank.

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Laugh not at the one that "tried and failed" but laugh at the one that "fail to try"

This is in front of me at my workstation. very inspiring. Now i feel like going toilet.

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Lets close this thread saying "come back soon" to blueheaven.


3.5 X 2.5 X 2.5 Reef Coming up :))




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I do not bear any malice against those that have a stick against BH.

Sometimes, he does get annoying at times but then so does the majority of very vocal people here.

If he doesn't hear the feedback on what irks people, then he will never learn and will continually get hard knocks.

Unfortunately, for those who wish to 'guide' him along (with good intentions or bad), the current manner of addressing him or talking about him does nothing but casts a negative light on yourselves. Think about it. If some people can view some of you as ganging up on a boy, then that perception is there.

What I'm trying to say here is that there are many ways to put your points across but choose what that doesn't inflame, incite or cause a negative atmosphere here.

The silent majority would surely agree with me.

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This is in front of me at my workstation. very inspiring. Now i feel like going toilet.

Ha ha;

Very interesting. I got the power to cure constipation. :blink:

You're a funny guy you know. :rolleyes:

Did'nt know BH quit SRC got so much fun. :erm:


30G Corner Tank with 10G Sump, 2 x 24W artinic T5, 1 x 24W 10K, 1x 24W 20K, 3" Grade 0 sand & Live rocks, Activated Carbon, Bio-home, 2 x Seio M620, Hailea 1/2HP Chiller, Redsea Pro Skimmer

Live Stock:

Turbo Snail x 1, Green Mandarin Dragonet X 2, Blue Tang X 2, True percular x 2, 1 x Algae Bleenie, Clarke clown x 2


1 x 2" Blue maxima, Red/Brown/Purple Mushroom (Discosoma), Pink Ricordea yuma, A little colony Brown/Green common Zoanthus, Red/Pink/Green US Zoanthus, Eagle-eye Zoathus, 14 Branch Goniopora Pandoraensis, 1 Starburst Polyps, 3 + 2 Branch Frogspawn, 4 Blasto, palythoa, Cheato

RIPs (Since June 2005):

1. Sabae clown (KO by Clarke clown) 2. 1 branch melted frogspawn 4 branch 3. Golden maxima (Ripe the base off rock by me) 4. Algae Bleenie x 2 (Starvation) 5. Blue Maxima x 1, 2 x Maxima, 1 x frogspawn, rics (Overtemp...)

Old 30G Corner Tank.

Restarted 30G Corner Tank.

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  • SRC Member

well maybe let's put it this way:

whether or not the initiative of this thread is founded, it started all this.. why not just leave cool-lily..?? wth


That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

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  • SRC Member
Those of you who have nothing better to say or have engaged in off topic matters, pls do it outside this thread.

We sincerely do not wish to hear side-tracks about Joo Chiat escapades or rude comments here in BH's thread which has a serious undertone which reflects badly on those who have contributed or indirectly caused complications.

Just because BH posted here in Kopi Tiam means his thread can be hijacked with the typical kopitiam nonsense.

There are two sides responding to BH's dilemna, keep your comments to him and NOT at each other.

I have made my comments on him and I rather have 10 BH's than one of the NACO people.

With due respects to you AT, what the Joo Chiat escapades et al. meant in a nutshell that he needs to reflect and grow up, of course this is done with added colours whats the big deal?

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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Bro BH,

If ur reading this, all the best in your future endeavours.

I m glad u bothered to write off a proper "signing off", and thanking the peoples ur in gratitude of. Shows that ur a very responsible and humble kid at your age.

You contributed alot to SRC, and your efforts and attempts are commendable. Your passion in this hobby and knowledge had guided alot of ppl here, and I thank you for all the help you gave to newbies around here. U have read widely, and your posts on serious topics are credible.

Dun bother about those ppl saying who's "on-the-ball" or not. there are two types of ppl : Followers and Leaders. Followers are always "on-the-ball"; they follow the flow and follow what the rest of the ppl do so as to feel a sense of belonging and be accepted by the majority. Called it "conformity". The next group of ppl are the "Leaders". They lead, they pave new ways, and they stand strong in their views. and while doing so, gets challenged and attacked by those followers. Even so, some leaders die fighting in their pursue of their views, and while those who survived gets accepted by those "followers" in the end.

Dun be bothered also by those comments on "Mod -wannabe". A moderator is a leader for those followers to look up to. Those ppl are just jealous of you, and some also wanna protect their "Lau-jiaos" status, their status-quo and their ego. A young leader will almost always get challenged by the older ones; they are just afraid of u.

I see the leadership qualities in you. SRC needs more ppl like you to organise events and gatherings, not those ppl who just talk rot, then kept quiet when asked to organise. Ur young in this hobby, while quite a huge population of the ppl around here are older, and that probably explains the fact that someone said ur "straying off to a corner". U just feel that u dun fit into the topics right? Dun worry, ask u get older, u will soon be able to.

As for those ppl above who attacked this kid in ur comments, I laugh at u ppl. He's just a kid, still learning life's ups and down and getting mature, and you guys even bothered to gang on on this kiddo. How immature.

In addition, BH's one post can draw out who's the ham-sup ppl, who's the "tag-alongs" ppl who only post along with the flow, the sacarstic ones, and who's those ppl that ur better off not associate with. Lotsa bad influences here. Everyone has their own life. Cheonging off Sturdee road area / Joo Chiat / Kin Jio Kar area is your own life. Not cheonging doesn't mean ur missing out on life. There are far better things to enjoy life over. Like falling in love, serving NS, representing Singapore in Sports, reading up and completing a book or even keeping a healthy fish tank.

Take a break BH, and return stronger to face the ugly ppl here. Go read up more, serve NS, and come back stronger mentally and physically to face the challenges here, and in life too. I support you, dun be afriad, stand tall, stand strong. The strongest survive and the leaders emerge. Only time will tell.

What hamp sap people? you never do yourself ah?

Whats the big deal about the ham sap people brother? Only ham sap people can make babies come out...please dun make personal remarks about bad influences - do reconsider and retract your comments.

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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This is a democratic site in a democratic country - each to their own. lets farewell those who leave and welcome those who join, and move on...that's life!

Real reefs don't have glass bottoms....(...think about it)

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  • SRC Member
This is a democratic site in a democratic country - each to their own. lets farewell those who leave and welcome those who join, and move on...that's life!

true...true....nice quote


3.5 X 2.5 X 2.5 Reef Coming up :))




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dont we have better stuff to do (etc. maintain your tank/feed you fishes)

its up to the guy wheter he wants to leave the forum or not?

why we making a big hoo-haa out of it?

i just don't get you guys.

whats so funny about his departure?

it may be kopitiam..but cant we simply just not dig our nose into matters not really concearning much to our lives.

why cant we just keep the comments to ourselves instead?.

when we actually know its better to keep our mouth shut?

show some sympathy and leave him alone.

he dont need people to judge wheter we should accept him or not.

i just think that this nonsense is seriouslly getting out of hand.

i beleive we are acting quite immaturely over this thread

who are we to judge?.

who are we to decide his path of life?

are we his parents?

we may try to act as someone older and wiser to him

but do we have that honour to do so? i question

quite pointless crying or laughing over such minor matters?

give him a break

to those that have something against him..(does adding more comments help by acting hero?)

to those who wants him back..(its up to his decision wheter to come back or not..pasting notices on threads and forum help nothing!?)

for me..im neutral

flame or insult.

its a free forum.but do have some feelings.

we are all still humans.

arent we anymore?

i rest my case.

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Since he had sign off don't think he will read all this unless he sign in as a guest. :eyebrow::eyebrow:

6x2.5x2.5 (GEO AQUATIC)

Aquamedic Turboflotor 5000Baby

Aquamedic NR1000

Aquamedic KR1000

Aquamedic Niveaumat

Aquamedic Ozone

RM Fluidised Reactor

Tunze 6060x3

Resun C1000

Aqualight 2x250w + 150w MH

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  • SRC Member
Hi guys, in the recent bout of events that are happening, I have decided to totally resign myself from the club. It does me good and also does the club good from having less gossips and unwanted offences. I would still do my part in the gathering though and it shall be my last contribution.

I hope that all that I have done for the club from helping out during Aquarama even though the next day is my "O" Levels to planning for Anthony Calfo to come for a workshop to the frag workshops had helped other reefers in anyway.

And here, I would like to thank a series of people, good people, who had supported and guided me throughout my time here :thanks:

I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to Joseph (Gouldian), Keith (keithtty), Conrad (AT) and Joe (joe_p) for their care, support and guidance throughout the hobby :D

And I also want to thank Jia Hong (veliferium) and Edwan (giantbicycle) for giving me such a wonderful time and friendship :lol::lol:

I want to specially thank nakazoru for hosting the frag workshop B)

And lastly I want to thank those whom I had forgotten to mention that had helped me in any way.

I wish everyone in the club success in their reefs and always remember, do your part to save the reefs. Participate in coral propagation now

Blueheaven signing off...

did u know that joe_p's name is not joe .

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  • SRC Member

What hamp sap people? you never do yourself ah?

Whats the big deal about the ham sap people brother? Only ham sap people can make babies come out...please dun make personal remarks about bad influences - do reconsider and retract your comments.

Bro, I hamp sup, but got no baby :(

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