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Mysterious death of harlequin shrimp


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Sigh..sad to say..the male harlequin shrimp of my pair was found motionless today. :cry2: The male is quite small, only about 1 cm plus. Been doing fine for weeks until today. It was found near the place of my candy cane pistol (Alpheus randalli) which is about the same size as itself.

What is the possibility of the pistol shrimp killing the harlequin shrimp? I can't figure out what else could have killed it as my water parameters are fine and the whole body is intact.

Argh..maybe time to banish the pistol shrimp into my sump. I'll give the male harlequin shrimp till tomorrow. If it does'nt move anymore there goes the pistol shrimp! :angry:

Always something more important than fish.


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hahaha...bro fuel should have enough experience to tell a dead shrimp from a molt....;)

don't think the pistol shrimp will kill the harlquie out right....from what i understand, their 'weapons' are used mainly to stun and frighten away other competitor...not for hunting or killing.....but then, i'm the not scientist so i might be wrong.....:P

anyway, there is alway my tank that you can banish him to....:D......makes a nice snack for my marine betta.....:D :D :D

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Yep..just don't understand why it died. Main suspect only my pistol shrimp. Sigh..maybe it should'nt have went walking around. Next time must leash adolescent harlequin shrimps. New marine gadget..harlequin leash. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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