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Diy overflow boxes (Juwel modifications)


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Good day to all, after going thru alot of web materials concerning diy overflow-just got to give this a try :idea:

1) existing Juwel internal filter box sitting idle

2) hope this helps the juwel aquarium users (with same issues!)

3) guess I got too much time on my hands over the weekend :whistle

I already had a "powered" overflow filter modified from Jebo 'FOUNTAIN" hang-on filter box. anyway here we go..... :fear:

BTW the 2 blue u-shaped tubes I got from planted tank shop next to THE NATURE AQUARIUM opposite thomson medical centre-$8/- each

" feel that god's hands guided me"


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as it was saturday night and I was working in my patio with dark timber got to use the white foam to lay out the materials (foam from cooking hob box-just diy my kitchen cooking hob..but thats a diff story...) :off:

here are the surgical tools I plan to use, just bought this cutter $8/-- becareful if u use it ,extremely sharp.Made a few cuts into the plastic box , before applying the hack saw- think the cutter can cut thru the box if I draw more cut lines in :shock:


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Made a few cuts with cutter to guide my hack saw path.went in like knife thru butter! used a old wine crate as my work top! the black tube of silcon cost me $4/- will use remainder to fix my leaky patio roof! used a piece of sand paper to smooth out the edge.


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lay out the 2 boxes, and use the U-tube to adjust eventual desired height, sand paper to trim edges.Use a masking tape to mark the internal plate (cannot afford mistake here!!@ Hacksaw it, the back of the plate has a tube incorporated in


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the dimension of the base plate is 13.4cm, the end with valve, I am cutting to 20.5cm, leaving 4mm behind, so ai can re-use the valve- i like to salvage what ever parts I can, as oyo will never know when you can reuse them! (lesson in DIY!)


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remember the filter separator other half? cut off the sides to use as material to cover up original filter box filtration holes. For the tank side holes, use 2 old black round plastic botteom bcaps or anyother materials. Am thinking of attaching a red stiff string to the filter inlet , so can see the "moving' speed of water flows..


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this will be the last installment till my next available time slot to finish the diy...so far all things looking good, only waste the trimming from wings of separator ..otherwise all parts put back into good use :yeah: total time from start to this stage 2 hrs 45 mins....(need time to arrange and take these pictures too...any brothers with construtive comments ,please feel free, have not glued any parts so still can adjust the work.


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  • SRC Member

u guys are so great! so creative & neat workmanship...

I'm not a technical person & to diy something for my tank & make it useful can only be a dream :P

Keep up the good work :)

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spent the week thinking of wasy of re-using the pump. as the problem of 'break siphon due to air-pockets is in my mind constantly. Thought of attaching the pump to base, fit the outlet to the 2 siphon tubes, and "force' the air pocket out if they are gathering (maybe I use a float switch as well ...any brothers here know where I can buy a 12volt relay?- dont want to have the risk of 240v running free in the water!)


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Using POPE garden sprinkler system for this part. Using the hose to join them together.Inserting the elbow in was tricky. RAIN STOP , so can repair my Patio roof leak with the black silicon as well as join the overflow boxes together...happiness!!!


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