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Help! White Spot attack on all tangs

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You can try to feed them the mysis/food soaped with GarlicGuard :evil: !You'll see improvement after 3 ~5 days and WS starts to reduce. The earliest to start feeding with garlic, the faster it recover lor !

IMHO, the only way to fight Ich is to improve their body immunity! ;)

Of couse, water condition is also very,very, very important 2!

Cure it fast else you'll regret !!!

Wish u & yr fishes a happy & health CNY...! :D


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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You see the whitespot reduces because the parasite has matured and left the fish body. It will come back in bigger numbers to haunt your fishes :P

The parasite will not leave fish unless the fish has gone to the heaven or semi dead! If i'm not wrong, the parasite dislike the smell of the garlic, so fish's body produce garlic smell when they consumed garliced food.

Floating Parasite(WS) cannot survive without sticking to fish after a few days, so tank water has to be conditioned concurrently with garlic food to increase the immunity system!

Below sentence is quoted by Cichlid webste:White Spot- Ich

Ich has three life stages, which are important to understand for proper diagnosis and treatment.

When the parasite is visible to the ###### eye, it is a nearly fully developed trophont which has burrowed under the fish’s mucus coating where it is protected from chemicals (medication). It has likely been feeding on the body fluid of the fish for several days and has swelled to many times its original size. At common aquarium temperatures of 75 to 80ºF this feeding stage lasts only a few days, at which point the fully developed cyst drops off the fish as a tomont.

The tomont may swim for several hours before settling on and attaching to the substrate, a plant, or some other surface. During that time it is susceptible to chemicals and medication will be effective. Once attached, it begins its reproductive stage. It encysts and begins rapidly dividing. At this point, it is again immune to chemicals. Within a few days, hundreds of new organisms burst from the cyst, sprout cilia and start swimming in search of a host.

These are now referred to as thermonts or swarmers, and they must find a host within a few days or they will die. (For this reason, we know that even an aquarium heavily infested with Ich would be “clean” and safe for new fish after only a week or two without fish in the tank.) Medication is effective at this stage. Once the thermont attaches to a host and burrows in, it is referred to as a trophont and the cycle begins again. Unfortunately, with each cycle the number of organisms in the tank increases dramatically.

Left untreated, Ich is almost certainly fatal. Infected fish are weakened by the ever growing number of parasites feeding on them. Secondary bacteria and fungi attack more easily. Trophonts on the gills eventually restrict oxygen flow and respiration is hindered. The ailing fish will ultimately succumb either to the infestation itself or a secondary condition.


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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Hmmm i tried garlic guard and mix it with forzen brine shrimp ~~ for my fishes

It seems that the white spots are under control

Will monitor on those white spots :o

You have to continue feed them at for at least a week. For me, i feed my 3 PT with Garlic soaped Brine shrimp every meal until 2 weeks, then reduce it to once every daily meal :lol:.

By then all parasite should be dead off even floating one lol :lol::P:D

Bro andysho, wish you a victory on Ich fighting. :lol:


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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The parasite will not leave fish unless the fish has gone to the heaven or semi dead! If i'm not wrong, the parasite dislike the smell of the garlic, so fish's body produce garlic smell when they consumed garliced food.

Floating Parasite(WS) cannot survive without sticking to fish after a few days, so tank water has to be conditioned concurrently with garlic food to increase the immunity system!

Below sentence is quoted by Cichlid webste:White Spot- Ich

Hi James,

I find it strange that you quoted from a site talkiing about freshwater ich. Marine Ich and freshwater ich are similar but Marine Ich has a longer reproduction cycle. You quoted the section relevant to you but you skip the treatment. The site recommends to use salt for treating freshwater ich which is similar to hyposalinity treatment for marine ich.

You said that the parasite will not leave the fish unless the fish has gone to heaven or semi dead but you also quoted from the website

When the parasite is visible to the ###### eye, it is a nearly fully developed trophont which has burrowed under the fish’s mucus coating where it is protected from chemicals (medication). It has likely been feeding on the body fluid of the fish for several days and has swelled to many times its original size. At common aquarium temperatures of 75 to 80ºF this feeding stage lasts only a few days, at which point the fully developed cyst drops off the fish as a tomont.

So which is which? Does the Ich parasite only leaves the fish when the fish is dead or they will drop off after completing one part of their life cycle? Therefore if you see the white spot disappear after a few days, they ich is not gone but have went on to another stage of their life cycle.

Garlic treatment is not proven to work at all times and effective sometimes probably due to immunity from the fish.

Please read this thread for proven and effective treatment for Ich.


The lifecycle of the parasite is interesting and important to understand when evaluating a treatment. The stage where the parasite is attached to a fish is called a trophont. The trophont will spend three to seven days (depending on temperature) feeding on the fish. After that, the trophont leaves the fish and becomes what is called a protomont. This protomont travels to the substrate and begins to crawl around for usually two to eight hours, but it could go for as long as eighteen hours after it leaves it's fish host. Once the protomont attaches to a surface, it begins to encyst and is now called a tomont. Division inside the cyst into hundreds of daughter parasites, called tomites, begins shortly thereafter. This noninfectious stage can last anywhere from three to twenty-eight days. During this extended period, the parasite cyst is lying in wait for a host. After this period, the tomites hatch and begin swimming around, looking for a fish host. At this point, they are called theronts, and they must find a host within twenty-four hours or die. They prefer to seek out the skin and gill tissue, then transform into trophonts, and begin the process all over again.
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Hi bro weileong,

Yes, Marine ich has a long life cycle!

I've been kept fresh fish for more than 15 yrs till i switched to Marine 4 year ago, sorry for quoted the wrong website :paiseh: but basically the ich characteristic is almost the same. Paiseh !

Marine ich :www.petsforum.com

I did mention that garliced food has to be continually supply to the fish , but reduce in the garlic feeding after 2 weeks or when there is no sign of White spot present lor ;). I can't said that Garliced food is 100% cure the White spot, but at least, for me, it's workable! :evil: I strongly believe that garlic can improve the immunity of the fish and do have the power to kill the gem, not only fishes but human too :whistle !

Anyway, it's my personnal experience to share . Although I'm in marine for 4 yrs but still consider as a junior compare to Fresh water. There is so many thing to learn and hopefully all reefers here care to share their experience. :P

Weileong bro, thank for pointing out my wrong web quoted. :paiseh::paiseh::paiseh:


Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do. - Goethe

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  • SRC Member

My newly purchase Purple tang (my wife favourite) have 3 white dots at each side of the body...i don know if this is "ich" or not...but to be on the safe side, i start to feed it with Garlic soaked Brine Shrimp.

Is there any other equipments, Is of Ozone or UV capable to eliminate this PEST?

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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