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s00n's humble 2 footer FOWLR....


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  • SRC Member

haha bro barnacle, bro hondaker and i managed to catch it without the use of a net! there was this 1.5 bottle which i cut haf, and used it to protect my prata while my angel was in the tank, but i was like very worried for the prata as my angel was really keen on treating it like "prata". Then bro hondaker came over to my room, and we were looking at how the angel tried to peck through the plastic... anyway long story short, i removed 3 rocks to reveal the fav hidding place, used the cut up bottle, put it at its only way out, from the other end forced the angel to swim into the container. voila! caught it in 5 min. would not have been possible without bro hondaker's help...

prata now super happy, i see also very happy... ahaha..

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  • SRC Member

got a lil problem that i hope bros out here can help me...

recently got 2 tiny blue tangs, which were feeding well at first. after the second BT was introduced into thte beta box, the second BT, which happened to be the bigger BT, started to fight with the smaller BT. It got so bad that the smaller BT refused to eat anything, just hid in a corner....

i released the bigger BT into the display tank, and the other BT into the pico tank i have. Its been 2 days already, and its still not eating. getting really thin. i tried all sorts of food, from formula 2 to daphnia, flooded the tank with it, all it does is avoid all the falling food, hide, and stare... cant get it to eat anything in front of me. when i first got it, it ate like a pig...

its so traumatised by the bigger BT that the smaller BT, when the cleaner shrimp its size goes near, it shys away...

any ideas on how to get it to feed?


the BT of yesterday, when its still in the beta...


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  • SRC Member

Hrmz, i guess you should just leave it alone and not try to do anything that will stress it out further. And oh, please do not flood your tank with food in trying to get it to eat. If it doesnt want to eat, it wont matter if you drop 1 pellet or flood the whole tank with food. It won't. You'll only get excess nitrate build up from all the excess food. Maybe you can get one of those small pvc pipes and put it in the betta box. Gives your tiny tang some place to hide and maybe it won't feel so scared then. Good luck...i was really tempted to get some of these mini BT, but they'll prob get eaten up in my tank... :lol:

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  • SRC Member

yea i tried doing that, putting a PVC pipe in, but instead of going in, it stayed at the opposite end of the cage... anyway i tried feeding it today with pellets again, did try to eat something.... apparently the pellets too big...

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  • SRC Member

bro Tigger!

heya, thanx for the compliments, i specially got a chiller though i am like dirt broke already, to make shure they live in superb conditions... haha... anyway i might be changing a tank to a wider one soon, cos this current tank and stand seems to be leaking, at a very slow rate.. waiting for a deal to come my way... and my stand is rusting quite badly too...

any nice souls who like to pass me or sell me their 2 x 1.5 x 1.5 tank? hope it comes with stand too... not too ex. i am a poor soul...

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  • SRC Member

a small red sun colony that refused to open for over a week, suddenly opened 2 nights ago.. now waiting for my bigger red sun colony to open... the polyps will swell mighty big, with a tentacle or 2 slipping out, but still not opening..


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  • SRC Member

i juz lost the non eating BT.. haiz. kinda depressed right now.

anyway i removed all my LR in the main tank to remove the oversized chromis, and stressed out the rest of the tank mates at the same time... i let my girl catch, and she caught everything but the chromis... nearly every fella in the tank went missing... cant find the remaining BT also. hope nothing happens to it...

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