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Nice tubeworms

I like the natural looking way you place them!!! B)

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To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

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  • SRC Member

nice tubeworms there bro qtrigger!


you should check out henry's display tank tubeworms. and oh, he has some multi-tiered soft tube tubeworms in store now. theyre more pricey than the ordinary ones, but their multi tiered spirals are really quite different. sort of like the multi spirals seen on christmas tree (spirobranchus sp) worms, but far larger.



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  • SRC Member

Thanks all..

Actually if you look carefully, the tubeworm from the 3rd pic is actually the multi-tiered tubeworms which bro Iantoh mentioned. I got it from Henry and yes, it's more ex. But sad to say, I lost it today and no where to be found.

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Sorry bro,

Can I learn from you how did you place your tube worms? put it under rocks? Or jus put into any holes in the rock? Did u And from yr knowledge, any fish likely to pick on it. Bought one last time, the next day it was gone, like being eaten up like that...

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  • SRC Member
  Maverick77 said:
Sorry bro,

Can I learn from you how did you place your tube worms? put it under rocks? Or jus put into any holes in the rock? Did u And from yr knowledge, any fish likely to pick on it. Bought one last time, the next day it was gone, like being eaten up like that...

Usually, you can just leave it on the rocks or maybe wedge it inbetween the rocks. If it doesn't like it, it will shift to a spot that it likes. The worms can move on their own if they are out of their tubes.

Basically you can just put at where ever you think the worm might look nice at. The problem I think is your fish. Not reef safe, or at least fan-worm safe.

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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