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HELP! ALGAE invasion


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  • SRC Member

yes those spikey long spine ones are the urchins that are solid algae eaters... just word of warning may oso tend to topple yr rocks yeah ... so make sure yr rocks are firmly in place

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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Get an abelone for those longer strands of algae and some astrea snails for the shorter ones.

I personally dislike urchins to be placed in the main tank as they will be hard to remove once their job is done.

And not to mention, urchins move unbearably slow!! :lol:

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  blueheaven said:
Get an abelone for those longer strands of algae and some astrea snails for the shorter ones.

I personally dislike urchins to be placed in the main tank as they will be hard to remove once their job is done.

And not to mention, urchins move unbearably slow!! :lol:

Not to mention that the urchins may eat all ur coraline algae also....

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hi guys

cant believe it

to combat the algae

i purchased

1)2 sea hares

2)1 sea urchin

3)1 algae benny

4)1 sea cumumber for my sand bed

5)RM FR with carbon and rowaphos

6)2 blue legged hermit crabs

Hmm saw the sea hare going all ard the tank

i not 100% sure if it got eat cyano

will observe

if they disappear means that htey got eat

will update..

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  • SRC Member
  scs88 said:
hi guys

cant believe it

to combat the algae

i purchased

1)2 sea hares

2)1 sea urchin

3)1 algae benny

4)1 sea cumumber for my sand bed

5)RM FR with carbon and rowaphos

6)2 blue legged hermit crabs

Hmm saw the sea hare going all ard the tank

i not 100% sure if it got eat cyano

will observe

if they disappear means that htey got eat

will update..

RM FR with carbon and rowaphos. This will be one of your best investment. :D

Once the PO4 is down to close to zero. Most of the algae will 'disappear' .

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hi guys


think my algae prob a bit better

maybe i am hallucinating

but it does seem better

betw 1-2 days ago, i notice there are some stuffs stuck to the walls of my fish tank

and i just saw my sea urchin eating those stuffs, on careful observation, i realise that there are small particles moving in the same zone, ie i mean that those small particles are from the stuffs stuck to the wall and the sea urchin is eating them!!

and i see a lot of small brown pellets thingy below the urchin and i saw those pellets being expelled from the urchin

1)can help me ID those stuffs on teh wall? looks like some spawn or sth

2)sea urchin shit so much???


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  • SRC Member

FR in general is good ... but if u have only 1 choice, i would go

for min DI water. DI or RO or RO/DI is much much better than FR.

Also abt cyano, the fastest way is to remove the sand that have them

or take out the LR and scrape them off.

Not sure ant sea-hare and urchin, but blenny and cuke dun touch cyano.

PO4 is NOT the only source of food for algae ... another component

found in tap water call s-*& something :P (cant rem lar) is also food source for cyano

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  • SRC Member
  scs88 said:
hi guys


think my algae prob a bit better

maybe i am hallucinating

but it does seem better

betw 1-2 days ago, i notice there are some stuffs stuck to the walls of my fish tank

and i just saw my sea urchin eating those stuffs, on careful observation, i realise that there are small particles moving in the same zone, ie i mean that those small particles are from the stuffs stuck to the wall and the sea urchin is eating them!!

and i see a lot of small brown pellets thingy below the urchin and i saw those pellets being expelled from the urchin

1)can help me ID those stuffs on teh wall? looks like some spawn or sth

2)sea urchin shit so much???

If it's coming from the front of your urchin... it's urchin's 'shit' :lol:

Well, I think it's urchin's shit ...

Anyway, I was told, a long time back, cyno problem is part of a 'new' tank phase. Once it's over, you rarely get to see any. :unsure: maybe it's some 'urban legend'

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