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Marine aquarium 470 liters ( 130 g.)


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130 cm x 60 cm x 60 cm, 470 liters

Started on : 25.10.2003

Lighting : Reflekta 8 x 54W T5 , total 432W

Pumps : Tunze Stream 6100 , 12000l/h

main pump Eheim 1250 inside sump

Filtration: live rocks 40 kg, Skimmer Bubble King 200 internal , activated carbon

Dosing : Ca reactor is used for maintaining alkalinity and calcium

Automation : Aquarium controller Cubicus 2002

Maintenance: 20 liters (5%) water change is done every week with RO water . Activated carbon is used permanently

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  prec said:
What is the brand of ur T5 that is being used? and what type? 10k? 14k? 20k?

very nice setup..

Brand name of the reflectors is Reflekta

web page

I have the following lamps T5 54W HO in the following order

front side

-Slyvania CoralStar (Blue 20000k)

-Osram 860 (daylight)

-ATI Blue Plus (Blue 20000k)

-ATI AquaBlue Spezial (11000K)

-Slyvania AquaStar (11000K)

-ATI Blue Plus (Blue 20000k)

-Osram 860 (daylight)

-ATI Blue Plus (Blue 20000k)

rear side

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  atos said:
Bojan, did you build new sump for BK200, or just modified(remove the buffles) the old one? Also I'm used to see more black skimate from BK skimers, than I see on your one.

Pozdrav :)

I bulit new sump for BK200.

I post the picture od the BK 200 in normal operation. Color of skimate depends on setting of skimmer (wet or dry skimming). If I set simmer to dry skimming color is more black.

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So you prefer more wet skim? Is aint beter more dry pure waste for the skimer to colect? Also I noticed some skum is colecting from the buble acction of the overflow in the back of the skimer. Could not you do sometning to avoid this action and direct it for the skimer to handel? What is the small piece of the glass in front off the picture, that is placed in "\" position?

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