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Elune's 1st Pico Tank [9.4"x6.1"x7.55"]


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  • SRC Member

My first pico tank!


Below is taken at night, with the lamp above switched on:


Below is a close-up shot of it:


My pair of Clarkii Clowns ( I wanted a False Percula, but the farm's new stock hasn't arrive when I went down to pick up a pair :( . So Hondaker and me went "Finding Nemo" :blink: , and had to settle with this before the farm closes". They're cute anyways~ :) )



THE PURPLE NUDIBRANCH~! :lol::lol::lol::lol:


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Yep, going for a fire shrimp next. :lol:

Still got space in the tank for other inhabitants. :yeah:

The Clarkiis appear to mark one corner as their territory,

so i got an adjacent corner for another neighbour to move in.

I'll introduce them slowly, cuz my water hasn't really mature,

so I need hardy fishes (definately not a damesel).

And my priority now is to ensure my beloved Nudi is feeding on something. :angel:

(someone tell me what does this nudi eats?)

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  • 3 weeks later...
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Pico tank log:

21st Dec 2005

Added a fire shrimp into my tank. It took up a dark area of the tank as hiding place, and during feeding time, comes out to eat happily. Was glad having this red creature climbing around in my tank.

24th Dec 2005

My Fire Shrimp molted. Added a False Percula. My Clarkii clowns accepted this new neighbour happily. Now my tank is so lively.

26th Dec 2005

One of my Clarkii showed signs of ich. White films found. Fresh water dip. Monitoring it.

27th Dec 2005

Added a pink sun coral. Adjusted my live rocks to fit this pretty thing in.

28th Dec 2005

My Clarkii up the lorry... :nc: My false clown also showed signs of ich attack. Monitoring my other Clarki. it look healthy and bo-chup.

30th Dec 2005

My tank water turned murky. Did a 50% water change, scrub the tank-walls, still the same. Dunno why. Decided to let it settle and wait and see. :erm:

31st Dec 2005

My blue sponge disintegrated as I was leaving the house. Removed it once I returned home.

01st Jan 2006

Woke up to find my nudibranch behaving weird. Found my fire shrimp on the verge of death, and my false clown getting pale orange. Fresh water dip the clown, and QT my fire shrimp and nudibranch. By afternoon, QT my false clown also.

All 3 declared dead by evening. :cry2:

Only my last remaining Clarkii still super healthy.

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Pico Tank log:

02 Jan 2006

Drained 90% of the tank's water My Clarkii Clown still inside. Removed all live rocks; caught 2 bristle worm crawling out when rock is out of water and inside a wash basin with very shallow water.

Readjusted my 3 liverocks and added another 3 more pieces. Filled the tank up with new water. Introduced a yellow tailed damsel (after much thought).

Now m tank looked like this:


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Oh regarding my Sun Coral... :lol:

Day 2 has 1 polyp opened 100%, and other 5 polyps opened near 80%. Didnt have a chance to take picture cuz my digital camera was lent to someone.

Day 3 of my sun coral:


Day 5 of my sun coral:


Day 8 of my sun coral:


Day 8 (top View) of my sun coral:


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Got to resize some of your pics. Guess got to leave a mod to do this.

First of all, your nano is abit too small for 3 clowns.

Personally I would not really keep nudis in small tank. The bigger the tank would be better, will have better chance seeing them "fly" through the water.

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Fyn: yep its very difficult to keep this tank, but it is also very manageable due to its small size.

Difficult becuz i m a newbie, withour proper equipment to check water parameters, and its without a skimmer. So i change water regularly.

Such a tank like mine is more suited for FOWLR. Corals will be hard to acclimate due to frequent water changes, resulting in different water parameters.

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my Sun Coral is love at first sight! Bought immediately!

I counted the polyps... including the big polyps and the smaller ones sprouting out below....... , i lost count at 54 polyps... xD so happy

If only my water parameters are better... they will really bloom...

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share wilth us ur water parameter ??

clarkii clown belong to special type of damselfish because of the symbolic behaviour with anemones and they do not die easy .

if u didnt properly cycle the tank and keep water change for more than 50% most of the time, ur LS is atually suffering most of the time .

yes , tank is small and managable but not easy .

2x1.5x1.5 tank

Lighting: AI hydra 52HD

Skimmer: Deltec SC 1455

Reactor: Minimax; rowaphos

Skimz  ; NP biopellets

Wave Maker: MP 40 WQD

Return pump: Eheim 1262

Chiller: Arctica 1/10 hp


A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel -- Proverbs 12:10

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erm.... i dunno my water parameters yet... ( no proper equipment; haven even buy a hydrometer yet....)

yea, i tried cycling my tank, but very hard cuz water becomes very murky after some time.... my priority is to keep the water clear. I will try to stabalise the cycle, just need more time...

yep, i reinstate again, my tank is small and manageable, but not easy, cuz slight fluctuations = a big difference to my tank.

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