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Rotifers..think 20-30 rotifers/mL should be a good bet.

Don't keep the larvae with the parents as the larvae will surely be eaten once they become free swimming. The parents stop guarding the babies after the larvae are capable of swimming.

Always something more important than fish.


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That's very normal behaviour...the male tends to the eggs whilst the female protects the territory. She will only really begin to help about the day of hatch, which is generally around day 7 or 8 at our temps.

Easier to take the nest out to hatch...if not, then have fun trying to catch them out :P

i always remove my clown's nest form main ,place it in rearing tank for hatch that

is very easy and you will get the max. amount of baby.

you can hang the rock, place it under a airstone and blow the eggs gently.

my pair don't delay their laying egg planing if i place the rock exactly in the same

place and same angle after hatchig.

so, recently, i have easily got 600+babies ...if not, then have fun trying to catch them out :P

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super demoralise...

i transfer e eggs ytd nite to a seperate tank n with e male only...to tend e eggs

ytd nite i c it still got tend its eggs

morning i c no eggs liaoz...

i shine inside e tank also no sign of babies....

btw can e baby b seen by ###### eye when hatched???

now i put back e male to e main tank n e egg rock(but i suspect sum baby still stuck inside e rock.. :cry: )

but reli cant c anything moving...

now just keep e seperated tank flooded with rotifers... air pump running(is it muz keep e tank dark for 48hrs after they hatch?)

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Keeping the tank dark does not mean total darkness. Fish fries are visual feeders and they need light in order to see their prey. The reason for darkening the sides of the rearing vessel is to provide a better contrast between the prey and the background. You should be able to see the fries using your ###### eye. If you can't see any it is likely the parents might have eaten the fries. This might be possible if the parents are stressed when they were moved to a new environment.

Always something more important than fish.


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Thats good enough volume of eggs for the effort......I would propose when you see the eggs with the siiverish eyes, transfer only the eggs, parents not required, just put and air tube with one or two bubbles a second where the bubbles will float pass the eggs and make the eggs wave as if the father is fanning the eggs.....that would be good enough.

Make sure you have enough bubbles to fan the eggs or they will turn bad (become white).

Hope this will help.....no need to rush....wait till sliverish eyes.

Good luck..keep us posted.

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but i read from a book they say bubbling will cause e baby to float to e surface n die lehz???

is it truth???

seriously speaking i duno how much to dose...

i scare too little food but also dun wish to put e babies in a tank of green water...

how to seperate e rotifers from e green water? stress siaz...

so damn small...


10s for all ur attention... :peace:

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Gentle bubbling via an airstone is recommended. Just enough to keep the water surface agitated for gaseous exchange. To separate rotifers from green water you need to hunt for nylon mesh around 50 microns or less. Let me know if you want me to get for you.

Always something more important than fish.


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Gentle bubbling via an airstone is recommended. Just enough to keep the water surface agitated for gaseous exchange. To separate rotifers from green water you need to hunt for nylon mesh around 50 microns or less. Let me know if you want me to get for you.

gentle bubbling as in flow pass e eggs?

or flow onto e eggs?

u mention darking of e tanks... is e all 4 sides?

after they hatch, e next morning nid to cover e tank to make it dark also?

:(:(:( can teach me...

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