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Plz Help My Joculator

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Hi bro

I bought it on last friday. Yesterday it had powder(look like a powder) on its fin. Everything seem to be normal and still ate food. But today it has powder spread on its body and fin and look unwell and it not eat food and just to swim in cave.

I veryๆ serious

iT live with reef

I think that i will change water about 10%

Wat should i do next? please give me some advice please

Some body help me plzzzz

thank alot bro :thanks::thanks::thanks:

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You got a joculator angeL? A very rare fish...

guess its being infected by ich... You keep it in a reef so there pretty nothing much you can do... All you can is feed this fish fat and hopefully its own immune system can handle the ich.They are pretty hardy fish anyway ;)

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Thx alot bro


I bought it from Jatujak hi hi ;)

I hope it well soon

this him pic :upsidedown:

From Aum.... ;)

Looked pretty good when I saw them. Let's hope it's just a passing problem....

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If looks like fine small dots, like powder it is Ammolodinium, or as it common name desribe it velvet diseas. Please take it out in carantine , with 1.019 salinity and perform some good ccooper based medication. Get the cooper test and monitor carefuly the concentration. The diseas is fatal and a runer.

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