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Ok all, sorry if I post soo many qns.. i jus finished doing up my new tank.. wanted to let the water run...

I have a 3ft by 2.5ft by 2ft... one macro as350 skimmer (not sure if I connected correctly or not)

2800l/h powerhead connected to > as350 mid portion where air duct is

and water outlet out from pipe at bottom of skimmer back up into main tank..

and seriously.. tats the only powerhead I have (cos the tank has a overflow built in)

Filled tank up with water and on skimmer.. and woot! I was so "happy" to see water flowing out of the skimmer's cup into the tank and subsequently flooding my cabinet :D

*can imagine my happiness :lol:

Not sure wats wrong... is it the lack of power from just having ONE powerhead? Should I add in another 2800l/h somewhere?

(p/s: all valves are open)


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