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Are they really reef safe??

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  • SRC Member

Hi guys!

Thinking of adding a Angel to my nano 2 feet tank. Corals are mushies and coco worms and aveopora

Here are the likely candidate!

1. Majestic

2. Flame

3. Golden

4. Coral beauty

Are they reef safe? saw some mini Majestic at Reborn... very very tempting to buy!!


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  • SRC Member

Angels are generally not reef-safe. However, several reefers have had success keeping angels in a reef tank (i.e. with corals). I guess it all depends on your luck. If you buy an angel that's feeding readily on frozen food or pellets, the chances of it pecking on your corals are lower. On the other hand, I've heard of reefers who had angels pecking on their prized pratas and other corals. It depends whether you want to take the risk with your corals.

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