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  • SRC Member

Hi, I am thinking whether to have a refugium or not and have been reading up books but still confused :(

So would like to ask all the experts/senior reefers for opinions. Is a refugium beneficial to mixed reef+fish (mainly Tangs) setup? What is the best way to setup a refugium. It will be great if can post pics of your refugiums. Thank you in advance!

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  • SRC Member

You can see my refugium/sump in my tank thread here.. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11253

IMO yes it's benificial.. there's nothing which beats organic filtration simply because it can soak up nutrients like a sponge... not to mention u probably will have a healthy population of pods growing in the refugium...

Also, no costly recharing fees.. in fact it's the only filter "media" that self-replenishes!!!

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  • SRC Member
Thanks bro ervine. Nice tank! Can you list down what go into making your refugium? i.e. what kind of algae? LS? I noticed you have very deep sand. The trick is to have deep deep sand base like 6 inches? :D

actually i think sand is an option not a requirement.. if you ask me I think should do w/o the sand.. rather just have a PVC rack with some eggcrate inside it for the macro algae to cling onto... easier to clean the refugium...

what type of macro algae to put in... good question... the one that has survived for me is a small leafed type of calepura... I didn't buy it.. it some how found its way there while all other types of macro algae didn't make it... I've not tried cheato though... heard it's good...

Other than that u just need a light I guess.. and moderate flow thru the refugium...

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