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Algae Blenny Starving

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  • SRC Member

My algae blenny has shrunk to almost half it's original size and it's tummy is so sunken that u can actually see a u shape. My tank walls do not seem to have any algae growing on it but i have a lot of life rocks. Will it eat anything else other than algae? does it eat coraline algae? I think it's starving to death. It's oredi three weeks liao

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My algae blenny has shrunk to almost half it's original size and it's tummy is so sunken that u can actually see a u shape. My tank walls do not seem to have any algae growing on it but i have a lot of life rocks. Will it eat anything else other than algae? does it eat coraline algae? I think it's starving to death. It's oredi three weeks liao


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I have enough turf algae growth on my coralline-encrusted rocks to sustain a PBT and lawnmower blenny that without any feeding of foods, just by grazing, they have rounded stomachs daily.

If you can't provide sufficient natural algae for their grazing, your blenny will surely die... best to pass it to Juan Rahmat asap! :)

Juan... turn off FULL CAPS pls... using it is considered as shouting online. :D

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Gatecrasher is from KL. :D I don't think it's very practical to go all the way there to rescue it!

The algae on the sand... are you mistaking it as something else? Sounds like diatoms or cyanobacteria... no fish will eat that!

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yeah shouldnt hv any prob getting lawn mower to eat other stuff. My will take frozen brine shrimp, mysis & spirulina pellets.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
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Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
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hey that why i have given advice sometime here ago that if you don't really have a tank ard 100gallon with lots of algae then don't go for landmower blenny as they feed on algae like crazy but once the algae is gone it is very difficult to get them to eat commercial made food thus always ended up dead due to starvation..IMO read up first before buying one :unsure::unsure::unsure:

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my lawnmower blenny died 2 days ago..after abt 4-5 months in my tank....so sad... no algae for it to graze on...and it doesn't seem to eat the fish food that i feed to my other fishes until it got so skinny (and hungry) and decided to try the flakes out..but i think too late man...haiz...but it sure did an excellent job when i had some algae bloom a few months back....in memory.....

"Save a reef, grow your own"

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my lawnmower blenny died 2 days ago..after abt 4-5 months in my tank....so sad... no algae for it to graze on...and it doesn't seem to eat the fish food that i feed to my other fishes until it got so skinny (and hungry) and decided to try the flakes out..but i think too late man...haiz...but it sure did an excellent job when i had some algae bloom a few months back....in memory.....

Thats why never dare to lay my hand on a landmower

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  • 3 weeks later...
my lawnmower blenny died 2 days ago..after abt 4-5 months in my tank....so sad... no algae for it to graze on...and it doesn't seem to eat the fish food that i feed to my other fishes until it got so skinny (and hungry) and decided to try the flakes out..but i think too late man...haiz...but it sure did an excellent job when i had some algae bloom a few months back....in memory.....


Any Pic to show Algae Blenny looks like? Many thanks :lol:


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  • SRC Member

One of my algae blenny also starve to death :cry2: just refuse to eat anything....

then I bought another from T** for $3!!

wow this guy really gaze at everything even my hand! real cute.

yesterday discover it actually eat frozen prawn! :yeah:

heng ah... dun want to see the death of another of this cute felle due to hunger

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