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Reduce noise from Pump


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  • SRC Member

i put my pump on a coaster. but its an eheim, so... without coaster also silent... hmm.. .check out what is causing the noise, if you don't see any vibrations and knockings, it might just be due to the fact that the pump is facing too much pressure.. *working too hard*


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  • SRC Member

in my case, i had to rearrange piping configuration to reduce the noise.

mine had hard pipings with lots of elbows plus flexi pipe connections, so i reduce it to simplest route possible (from pump flowing towards tank) and it solved the problem.

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  • SRC Member

think basically what somebody is trying to say is that if the noise originates from the pump vibrating or knocking against a wall/surface, then using foam or padding will reduce it BUT if it's coming from inside the pump itself, the pump may be facing some problems.

Correct me if i'm wrong yea?

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  • SRC Member

haha...ok...glad I managed to interpret it. Guess sometimes we're all too lazy to use proper english, then somtimes the problem simple simple become got dragon got tiger. :off:

Anyway yea..good luck with your pump problem, need suggestions for what to place as a mat can use filter foam/sponge, old mouse pads, small piece of astro turf....

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