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DC DHA Selco


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Good for enriching Artemia before feeding fish like Anthias, seahorses, etc.


The exact stuff from INVE. Ordered from primo.net.au. Will be bringing to Singapore soon. Only ordered a 1 liter bottle but I will only be keeping around 200 mL of it. Still unopened and expires in June 2006. I have absorbed majority of freight costs as I have ordered other stuff as well. The rest of the 800 mL going out for SGD $195 or 100 mL for SGD $25. Place your orders below if you don't mind it being around the same price as hard liquor.

Always something more important than fish.


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Hmm.. will update the next day as its now in the fridge and I'm not home to check it. But basically, I just use as much as I'm comfortable with. Might seem wasteful but it still works. If I'm not wrong you mix 0.6 grams of Selco with 1 liter of water to get a solution which is then supplied the brine shrimp for enrichment overnight. Will post the exact dosage tomorrow.

Always something more important than fish.


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Ok here is what I have memorised from reading the instructions.

First step: Dilution

Dilute 125 g of Selco with 1 liter of seawater.

Second step : Enrichment

Take 0.6 mL of the diluted selco to enrich 1 liter of Artemia (up to 300, 000 Artemia nauplii)

So actually 100 mL can last you quite a while if you scale down the dilution..like 1.25 g per 10 mL of water.

Always something more important than fish.


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