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6 Line Wrasse went missing

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hmm,let me tell u how mine behaves...

During feeding it wld chase my pyjama cardinal..

I once added an electric-blue legged hermit to the tank and it pestered it until it go up lorry...

This is my six-line.. -_-

On the other hand,i have heard some very good things about it feeding on flatworms or other pests...

Guess every six-line is different....


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Luckily you didn't mention corals. :rolleyes:

It has been missing since last night till this morning before i went to work.

Guess... if i see it, :D otherwise take it as it gone.

I haven't gotten any brimp shrimp yet as i have setup the tank recently with two false clown and it feed on dried food.

Would it be still hiding ? :angel::angel::angel:

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my previous sixline went missing... found it several months later all shrivelled up on the floor behind the tank...

My sixline is quite well behaved actually... hardly bothers any of the other fishes.. just goes about it's every day life as normal...

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No, no aggressive fish only 2 false clown.

I think the tank which i bought the fish is having problem... couple of dead fishs in it.... shouldn't have buy it. Anyway..... i feel sad :( for the fish.

The false clowns and the boxer shrimp Plus two tube worms (one green and one white) are ok, much sure that there aren't any problem on my nano aquarium.

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I never knew wrasses are hardy. My green and 6 line wrasses never lived pass a week, while my other fish are ok.

Be careful, they tend to eat a lot, and may exceed their limit. That could be why mine had died. My wrasses were much quicker and aggressive to grab the food before the other fishes could.

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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Wrasses normally hide in the sand bed. My Green Wrasse hides in the sand bed and only comes out in the morning, and then afternoon, and then darts into the sandbed to sleep. Same with most Warasses, thats why some people call them sleeping wrasses.

Your six-line will come out soon.

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6-line wrasses are hardy species...juz ensure that you buy a healthy specimen cos' I often saw a lot of these species having fin/tail rot, body ichs, etc. :blink:

Mine has been a 'pioneer' since I setup my tank & it's now a brave & boisterous dude :evil: chasing for food & sometimes 'chase-playing' with my Anthias & Royal Gramma. :rolleyes:;)

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My six-line nvr disturb other fishes damn his gd get along well wif its tank mates but........he jump out of the tank i donnoe why.... :cry2: argggg my precious y did u jump :cry2:

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