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Beautiful Seahorse Species


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  • SRC Member

Here is some very beautiful seahorse pics I came across from the web. Hope to share it here with everyone. These are species that we never come across in Singapore, jealous :sick:

if you have nice SH pics to share (especially species not found in SG), pls help to add on.

Here comes the list. These are pygmy seahorses, extremely small and always takes camouflage in gorgonians.


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  • SRC Member
H.barbouri (zebra snout seahorse), commonly found in our LFS, but have you seen a RED barbouri? :eyebrow:

HEY!!! This is VERY NICE!!!

How beautiful it would seem for a tank with them...Wonder if we can get Say Meng to import for us? BUT first...must know the price... :P

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Too bad Singapore too warm...unless you have a very very strong chiller can forget about keeping potbelly seahorse...

I once emailed the guy who brought in some potbellies for display last Aquarama. The info on their care requirements that he emailed me...said that they need temperatures below 25 degrees celcius. Imagine just buying a chiller to keep seahorses. :blink:

Always something more important than fish.


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H.erectus, American's favourite, easy to keep, this is the species that OceanRider derives their Mustangs, Sunbursts, Fire Reds, Pintos.

the first pics is a GREEN seahorse!!! :yeah:

I'm lucky to get one of female and best thing is cost me only $7. Is indee easier than other SH. She eat anything that throw in. :D

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