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Octo Melting


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  • SRC Member

When I first got it, had 5 full heads :D


Now melting away, left with 2 1/2 heads :(


Any advise and suggestions greatly appreciated :unsure:

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member
u have to state ur water parameter.

Gosh I've no test kits... all I know is water temp is abt 24-27 deg...

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member
my hammer started with 4 heads, 3 died, broke those off left 1.. now split to 2 heads with a 3rd on the way...

but that took like 3years?

so meaning mine still have a chance lar? sighz am thinking of swopping it away as I dun wish to kill it :unsure:

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member

sigh, mine also got such problem. Must I chop off the died one. I guess mine died because of high NO3 at one stage, now NO3 normal but left with 2 head which seems to be dying too.

Funny thing is the rest of my coral is doing well. Can any expert please advise cause I love Octo and Hammer but will not buy them till I know how to keep them alive.


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octo, bubble and hammer need very pristine water condition to survive

hmmm now I'm really think twice liao...

all my other corals r doing well too hmmm :blink:

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member
sigh, mine also got such problem. Must I chop off the died one. I guess mine died because of high NO3 at one stage, now NO3 normal but left with 2 head which seems to be dying too.

Funny thing is the rest of my coral is doing well. Can any expert please advise cause I love Octo and Hammer but will not buy them till I know how to keep them alive.


yes...the dead parts muz be cut off.... :D ...if not it is highly possible that it will spread to the other heads as well.. :P

view my 2ft tank thread update here!!


Tank Dimension: 24'x15'x19' with black silicon. All round 8mm.


Return Pump : Hailea HX6540

Skimmer/Chiller : Sicce 2500lph

Skimmer : Weipro 2011

Lightings: 4xT5s HO..2 20,000k & 2 Blue Pro(Aquaz) Retrofits

Chiller : Resun CL280

Auto Water Top Up

Life Stock:

More then 35kg of figi rocks

Blue Tang, Powder Blue Tang, Bristletooth tang, Clown Tang, Yellow Tang, Purple Tang, Flame Angel, Six Line Wrasse, Sunrise Dottyback. 2 Cleaner Shrimp

Green Bubble, Orange Yuma, Hammer, True Octopus, Acans,

Frogspawn, Green/Orange Cyannaria, Red Prata, Red Open Brain, Star Polyp, Acan Enchinata

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yes...the dead parts muz be cut off.... :D ...if not it is highly possible that it will spread to the other heads as well.. :P

spread? meaning its some kinda diesease?

“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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  • SRC Member
octo, bubble and hammer need very pristine water condition to survive

My experience with bubbles is that they are a lot more resilent than the rest of the lps corals even when NO3 hovers around 40ppm for a long time.

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  • SRC Member

I agree with lee. Bubbles are one of the hardiest hard corals to keep.

no leh... one of my bubbles mysteriously melted away in a few days... just suddenly melted...

hammer, frogspawn and even another bubble right next to it all no signs of anything.... shrug...

Some more that bubble I had for many years already...

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  • SRC Member
sigh, mine also got such problem. Must I chop off the died one. I guess mine died because of high NO3 at one stage, now NO3 normal but left with 2 head which seems to be dying too.

Funny thing is the rest of my coral is doing well. Can any expert please advise cause I love Octo and Hammer but will not buy them till I know how to keep them alive.


Hi, my nitrate level is abt 25 sometimes 50. However, my hammer has grown from 2 heads to now 6heads in a matter of maybe 5mths. However, my sun coral is melting away. So i don't think it's the nitrate problem.....

Maybe food to the corals?

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Ok time for threadstarter to say something :eyebrow:

I've been trying ways to heal/prevent the LPS I've in the tank, a few din make it but I wld say 85% of them made it and they're healing...

What I did was I change my skimmer to a Prizm skimmer (gonna get another 1 for my GF new tank :upsidedown: )

Threw away all the sponge in the hang on filter and convert it into a hang on refugium with Chaeto and Ulva in it (planning to upgrade the hang on filter to a bigger one to accomodate more macroalgae)

Added a small bag of Seachem denitrite, nitrite remover

And ever since the corals are doing great, water is clearer and even my X'mas Tree worms are coming out(most of them)... even my small rock of Elegance is dancing around

Erm to date I've not gotten any test kits to test my water parimeter (dun flame me :cry: ) still thinking of which kit to get and for wat... as in shld I just get kits to test for Nitrates, Nitrites and PO4? Or shld I get a set?


“Frogs have it easy, they can eat what bugs them”

"If you have no critics you'll likely have no success."

- Malcolm X

Glory Glory Man Utd!

DeZ aka Desmond

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Erm to date I've not gotten any test kits to test my water parimeter (dun flame me  :cry: ) still thinking of which kit to get and for wat... as in shld I just get kits to test for Nitrates, Nitrites and PO4? Or shld I get a set?


Hi Bro,

tink you shld get specific testkits for eg nitrate, phos, calcium,

KH, PH (unless u got the meter), magesium etc... ;)

recommend to get salifert brand since they are reliable and recommended

by most reefers.

these are the more common parameters to get, any others mabbe other reefers would like to recommend?

u gotta keep track of ur parameters o/w it may just go haywire one day....

I used to ignore and paid high price for mistake... :(

corals would trive under optimum conditions with the correct parameters...

hope this helps... :peace:

happy reefing...

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