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heartbreaking moments


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  • SRC Member

I am sure everyone of us come across heartbreaking moments. This evening, I just noticed that my rough collie turned mute. She is turning 15 yrs old on 30 Nov.

5yrs ago,we noticed she has some problem with her eyes.Vet certified that her tears duct is not working anymore so she undergo a surgery to remove her saliva duct to her left eye to subsitute her tear duct. In another word, whenever she sees food, the saliva duct in her left eyes would 'cry'... but 2 surgery proven it didnt work.So her eyesight started to slowly going worst since then.

3 yrs ago,she has problem walking and needed to be on long term medication for her joints and fortnightly injections. She was ordered to lose weight and on vet prescripted food.She lost 20kg in a few mths and now only weighing 12kg.

early this yr,we noticed she cant hear with one side of her ear...we did tests and noticed that she couldnt hear us at all if we calling her from her left side.

Tonight,I noticed.She doesnt have voice anymore...she barks but only hoarse sound was produced....

It seems like she is slowly leaving us bits by bits...thinking about this,I really couldnt bear to think anymore..


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:cry: :cry: :cry:

birth, aged, sickness, death......... that's the life cycle isn't it??? I'm sure u adore ur collie very much........ guess the best u can do is to accompany her thru this heartbreaking and final stage of her life........ but remember, she'll live in ur heart forever......... so will u to her.......

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  • SRC Member

After reading what you wrote, i suddenly felt the same old pain which i thought was healed after 5 years. I can fully understand your sadness.

My dog, Lassie from the day it was born lived up to a ripe old age of 16 years. She also slowly faded away towards the last remaining year. Here are my only pictures of her. Thinking back i still miss her :cry2::cry2:


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  • SRC Member

My adopted shintzu left me on august after 5 years,, till now i still feeling

sad , i rather have her back then my coral tank~~~

To me corals can never gave us the joy like dogs...

corals are plain display without feelings unlike dogs are there with us

in terms of joy and sadness

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I feel regrets as I didnt spend much time with her lately as I have a newborn son to take care...when was the last time I sayang her?When I saw her trying to bark but no more sound coming out,its like a knife piercing through my heart.When I was all alone without any kid around me,all alone when I was in Indonesia when we just relocated there...she was my companion...

she was my daughter's sled dog in Germany....one who protected her when she was at the playground... one who play with her and allowed her to sit on her like piggy ride...

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Cheer up.. although nothing all of us here say will help.. but cheer up..

Life goes on...

Project R.E.

Main Tank: 48" x 18" x 24" 12mm with external overflow piping

Sump Tank: 28" x 14.5" x 12" (3 compartments)

Lightings: T5 HO - Hopar 3* 39w + ATI 2* 54w

Skimmer: Skimz Bullet Beckett

Chiller: Resun CL-650 (28 - 29 °C)

Wavemakers: 2* Seio M620 + 1* Hydor K2 (7100 litre / hr)

Fluidized Reactor: Skimz FR (currently empty)

Pumps: 1x Rio 32HF (Skimmer), 1x Rio 20HF (Return & Chiller)

Filtration: more than 80kg LRs, chaeto

Water Circulation: ~ 4000 litre / hr

Future Plans: additional wavemaker, DIY algae scrubber, DIY overflow box


Project R : 36" x 12" x 24" 10mm reef

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