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Regarding Aquapharm products!


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Pls refrain from posting condescending remarks even if it is indirectly shooting someone :thanks:

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To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

You become responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.

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One of my observations.. recently there've been quite a number of new registered users who post "intelligent" comments within their first 10 posts.. :fear:

Project R.E.

Main Tank: 48" x 18" x 24" 12mm with external overflow piping

Sump Tank: 28" x 14.5" x 12" (3 compartments)

Lightings: T5 HO - Hopar 3* 39w + ATI 2* 54w

Skimmer: Skimz Bullet Beckett

Chiller: Resun CL-650 (28 - 29 °C)

Wavemakers: 2* Seio M620 + 1* Hydor K2 (7100 litre / hr)

Fluidized Reactor: Skimz FR (currently empty)

Pumps: 1x Rio 32HF (Skimmer), 1x Rio 20HF (Return & Chiller)

Filtration: more than 80kg LRs, chaeto

Water Circulation: ~ 4000 litre / hr

Future Plans: additional wavemaker, DIY algae scrubber, DIY overflow box


Project R : 36" x 12" x 24" 10mm reef

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  SealFire said:

Do you always believe WHATEVER you read in the forum?

Try this on for size:

Keeping reef can lower IQ.

Apparently it is already happening.

i believe you are very close to Aqua****** <_< .

Current tank

Past tank

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  dominik said:

i believe you are very close to Aqua****** <_< .

Well, how do you define close? I visit A LOT of fish shops and farms and are on good terms with all of them.

I could very well be a regular there, or I could also be a sore competitor trying to stir up more dirt. I could be a whacko with a nut loose and nothing else better to do, or I could be the regular guy standing next to you when you visit a LFS/LFF.

But ultimately, you have expressed your views and certainly have the rights to do so. I believe it is only fair that I get to do the same.

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  akahoshi said:
Man, Aquapharm can sue that guy if they can prove that what he said is not true..


actually, i tink that guy is right.

in fact, i just tried going to aquapharm website last nite. but apparently,

no such info found!!!! :o

and why i started to google it is becos i bought a f*king 5 in 1 coral food (by aquapharm) last nite at pasir ris fishfarm.

wanted to go their website to check out more details and instead,nothing!no more website! :cry:

so i suspected something is amiss. saw this link in one of the google search results which leads me to THAT thread in arofanatics. then i realise that i could have just wasted $9 on a possible phoney bottle. :pirate:

damn tulan man! :angry::angry::angry:

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  bluezing said:


actually, i tink that guy is right.

in fact, i just tried going to aquapharm website last nite. but apparently,

no such info found!!!! :o

and why i started to google it is becos i bought a f*king 5 in 1 coral food (by aquapharm) last nite at pasir ris fishfarm.

wanted to go their website to check out more details and instead,nothing!no more website! :cry:

so i suspected something is amiss. saw this link in one of the google search results which leads me to THAT thread in arofanatics. then i realise that i could have just wasted $9 on a possible phoney bottle. :pirate:

damn tulan man! :angry::angry::angry:

wah piangz ... hey then wat abt the marine environment salt that is sold by aquam...n? i just bgt the bulk one .... hvnt used yet...

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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yeah man... dodgey yeah....... ;)

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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same here ... phew

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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I think the threadstarter has no intention of bad naming any parties....

Maybe he just want to share information on the product that some of us been using for awhile....

Its basically up to individual to believe or not to believe....

But seriously...it sets some of us thinking....RIGHT...???...hehehe....

Nonetheless...if you been using any Aquapharm products since the beginning of your marine hobby days.....& nothing mutated from your tank...

Then....it should be alright.....


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  thc said:
I also googled the product lei. But there are no results leading to the other forum lei...

Can show how you google for coral food but end up with salt and carbon. :huh::huh:

hihi bro~

i googled for "aquapharm" and "aquapharmlabs". becos i wanna know more on their products and in one of the search result, it was link to arofanatics thread. i tink i mentioned this in my previous reply. :rolleyes:

i did not google for "coral food". :nc:

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  XPeriment 626 said:
interesting, right after all this blew up, the aquapharmlabs website cannot be accessed...  :whistle

Interesting point of view. I wonder what is in the website that might worsen the situation and the manufacturers have to down the website.

They probably put in their website that their product contains impurities.

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Try entering aquapharmlabs into the box of the below link and be your own judge. :heh:


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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