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Beautiful Red with Pink Zoos for bid


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  • SRC Member

As i am having some complications with swoping(such as what to trade with and price etc), i've decided to put some frags up for bid. The top 3 bidders will have the frags. As per normal, Bid is capped at $xx. The 3 frags are in 3 sizes. First one about 20 polyps. the second about 13-14polyps and the last 10 polyps. The highest bidder will get the largest frag, and so on. Dont worry, all frags are equally beautiful, only the amount of polyps are different. Bidding will end at 10am on sat morning. Thanks guys! Here's the Pic. These Zoos are quite similar to Bro Rav-65's frag that he sold here not long ago. ;) Bid starts at $20

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  • SRC Member
please refrain from disrupting Pasar Malam sales of fellow reefers, either through your posts or PMs.

Under a bid system, those that have submitted a bid should honour it. If you make a bid on impulse, that is your decision and you should live with it.

The seller of course must give a true and reasonable representation of the sale item.

SRC Moderators

Hi, hope this helps to stop people from disrupting your sales or bidding, lately seems there were controversies to the bidding system here.

Quote taken from: http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...pic=39929&st=30


"Ah, Blackadder. Started talking to yourself, I see."

"Yes...it's the only way I can be assured of intelligent conversation."

- Melchett and Edmund Blackadder

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