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question for beckett users


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  • SRC Member

I'm intending to setup either a 2 x 1 x 1.5 or a 2 x 1.5 x 1.5. Intending to just use NNR + water change + protein skimmer + liverocks(anyone have comments on my choice of filtration please gladly share)

The idea right now is that i'm toying with the idea of running a beckett(should i choose it) externally, directly in and out the tank. Meaning using an external pump, inlet would be straight from tank and outlet from the gate would lead back to the tank. My main concerns are whether the pump run externally would affect temperature by alot but quite sure that if run with pump submerged the temperature rise is greater.

Other main concern is the microbubbles, whether there would be a way to directly stop them from entering main tank, considering people run the beckett in their sumps and still get microbubbles in the return. Anyone care to share?

Coz right now i'm thinkin of going for either beckett or a hangon deltec. Either way, pocket sure burn, considering i'm also investing in a 4x24W T5 HO. Doing intensive planning after setting up half past six tanks and constantly upgrading, deciding to one time gao gao invest and ensure upgradability and eat grass for the rest of my life :lol:

Which one would make a better choice in terms of heat, suitability for bigger tank(in case upgrade), microbubbles,other factors? external beckett or deltec hangon?

Thanks in advance to everyone :D

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Are you planning to have a sump? :huh:

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  • SRC Member

if you really going all the way, you might one to consider a bigger tank or at least a big sump.....it can be quite funny to see a beckett driving a 2x1x1.5.....even the mini-beckette will be taller then your tank!!!

also the deltec handon have a height of 530cm....much higher then your tank....so migth not be possible to hang it on.....

finally, the becket like those sold by henry is suppose to have very very little bubble count so you might want to check that out....

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  • SRC Member

great to see some viewpoints at last...maybe just too impatient and eager in planning for the tank...really appreciate the view points.

blueheaven and the rest: sump wise...i would love to but space doesn't really allow it..gotta re-evaluate tank placement...since i do happen to have a sump lying around. IF i can fit a sump after space re-evaluation then the beckett shouldn't be an issue am I right?

tineng:Yea i'm sure it'll be quite funny to see it but if i do run it it'll probably be next to the tank with the outlet above the tank level. Thanks for the reminder on the backflow too! Forgot that pumps do fail.

Concerning the deltec, i think the height may be 50+ cm from top to bottom but if i'm not wrong the bottom to the hanging point is still within 1.5 feet, will go check out the space clearances.

riot:A part of me wants the gentle skimming of a needlewheel,currently using an aquamedic needlewheel but the pump is in the water...causing some heat issues. The effects are fine but would really luv to reduce the heat from pump issue therefore Deltec was put into consideration. Another part of me was seduced by beckett's raw skimming power, which also made it another option.

Come to think of it, glad tineng brought up the back flow problem so currently as it stands for the upcoming tank, Deltec would probably be the choice.

Discussion on upgrade viability, assuming I do get a bigger tank in the future, shouldn't be a problem right? considering i'm already fine with hanging it on a 2feet, hanging on a bigger tank should actually make it stand out less?

btw something off topic, blueheaven remember to post the pictures and writeup for the fragging workshop k? I'm sure it's gonna be great.

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  • SRC Member

hi there dreamscape,

just some random thoughts ya.

my display is only 2.7x 1 x 1ft, and i am running Henry's Bullet Beckett. the bullet is really short compared to other beckett designs, so that might be a good alternative for you if you decide to go beckett as it wont dwarf your system. if you plan to run a beckett externally, the outlet of the beckett will have to be placed above the water level of the sump though, because otherwise, there will be back flow issues.

actually, i think of skimmers in terms of their skimming capacity, for example, in my opinion, say a beckett removes 85% of the dissolved organics that flows past it, whereas a weipro removes, say 70%. clearly theres a significant difference in skimming capability, but still, the eventual efficiency of the skimmer is determined in large part by the pump running the skimmer, and the amount of flow within the tank itself. Becketts and BKs are invariably driven by pumps that overturn over 5000L/hr, and that increases subtantially the amount of water passing through the skimmer as compared to other smaller pump driven skimmers. and if flow isnt good everywhere, dirt wont get carried past the skimmer, and cant consequently be skimmed. so i guess what i'm suggesting is to try to maximize flow to bolster your skimming options.



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  • SRC Member

hey ian thanks for the input. really appreciate it. I was actually thinking of Henry's bullet tornado when I was thinking of a getting a beckett. But like tineng has said, I'm not sure whether I can possibly leave enough buffer tank volume should the pump stop failing. Of course, if I can, then it's back in the cards again.

I do agree with you that it makes sense that pumps that have higher flowrates turnover more water and generally will skim better with a higher turnover rate. Also agree with you on the point that even though you have a high flow rate but low flow, the skimmer won't be able to perform properly too. Personally experienced it when sometimes i blow detritus off rocks and sandbed, the skimmer starts foaming a thick foam and can get mud during those occasions.

Once again got to see if the tank has enough buffer volume.

One more question to add is if i run the pump externally, will the amount of heat be significant still?

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  • SRC Member

hi dreamscape,

I think youll reduce the heat load if you run the skimmer's pump externally, but not by that much. What pumps are you planning to run? the choice of pump will make a greater difference. I find the Rios run pretty cool, whilst the Dymax are horrible.

As for microbubbles, you can try placing some filter wool in the suction areas of your return pump, or buy a baffle from lfs and use that to aid removal of microbubbles. I dont use anything to filter the micro bubbles from my bullet, and i dont get much of an issue with microbubbles in my main. it looks like the microbubbles merge or something as they travel up my return pipes, because the bubbles that emerge from my returns are normal sized ones, and float and pop at the surface quickly.

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  • SRC Member

first things first ian, i did mention about how i'm probably going sumpless but still thanks for the useful info and yes, will probably run rio external should things follow through....really gotta do space evaluation now...definitely if i can run my sump at the new tank area I would.

bro ervine, that's one of my concerns also that's why was wondering whether got genius who try this pattern and succeed. Coz if there is I wanna learn the kungfu also.

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  • SRC Member

hi dreamscape, sorry i missed the bit about you probably going sumpless. i think its workable, a direct skimmer return into the display, youll just need to create a buffer to reduce the microbubbles i guess.

not sure if you like macroalgaes, but you can find some pretty aesthetically pleasing species, and perhaps plant them where the skimmer's return enters the display so that that can serve as a filter for the bubbles?

well, all the best with your upcoming system ya!!



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One more question to add is if i run the pump externally, will the amount of heat be significant still?

IT is supposely said tt running the pump ext is abit cooler but by how much no ones has an answer.

I run all my pumps ext, but ensure there is constant air flow around/ past the pumps, cos they can get quite hot. So to reduce any sort of heat transfer via radiation/ conduction, having some cool air flowing past them pumps is good

As for returning to main tank: U can build a smallbuffer box like a betta bos at the outlet of the gate valve.

Have some sock / filter bag over the outlet and the betta box will be a back up for any bubbles tt escape. Allow enough time for the bubbles to rise to the surface, instead of dwelling in the water colume.

However, the sizing will be trial and error. And will take up some space in yr main tank. The idea is to slow down the water exiting the skimmer thus allowing the bubbles to rise to the surface like buffles in sumps.

my 2 cents

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