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Wavebox with SPS

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Hi. I have a 3ft tank and am thinking of buying a wavebox. Read in Reef Central that the SPS loves the swaying motion and people are seeing more polyp extension. Anyone here running a wavebox and does it do a lot of good for the SPS? Not sure about the fishes though. With all that swaying, sure :sick:


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  • SRC Member

i have a wavebox.....dun think claims of promote polyp extension is valid as there are many other factors....but sure was nice looking at them swinging back and forth.....;)

personally, i think wave box provides gentle current to all parts of the tank....so good for LPS, mushies ...etc.....but for sps, might need additional push with strong returns or tunze....for me i suplelment using tunze 6080

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  • SRC Member

sorry to ride on this thread,

tineng- you mean you really get total circulatton through the entire tank? How does that compare to the tunzes you are running now?

I am utilizing 2X6000s in my 4ft and am considering the wavebox as supplementation. Worried it might be overkill and burn my hard earned money. Whats your advice?


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  • SRC Member
sorry to ride on this thread,

tineng- you mean you really get total circulatton through the entire tank? How does that compare to the tunzes you are running now?

I am utilizing 2X6000s in my 4ft and am considering the wavebox as supplementation. Worried it might be overkill and burn my hard earned money. Whats your advice?


as far as i can see, almost total circulation......even in some of the caves i see movement......however, the wave goes left and right so without anyother wave maker, dirts (the heaveir one )tends to settle on some spots.....for me becuase i run bare bottom, its perfect as i can simply sphion them out during weekly water change.....a bit unsightly though....becuase where the dirt settles, my fishes seems to like to poop there......

previously i'm runing 2x6100 with a 6060.....water are very very turbulent nd strong....definately good for SPS and you can really control the direction of the current....kind of regert selling them off, IMHO, definately better then wavebox.....BUT very unsilghtly as you tend to have to put them at the 4 corners....for wave box.....just any corner of the tank will do....for me i just hid it at the back corner.....;)

ohhh....you can see a review of it ...

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