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Are Rock Beauty Easy To Keep ????


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acoording to expert is easy to keep, but mine died after 1 week with me after my change of water. So now I got a second one and see how.

Hey pls read up more and don't give wrong information, In fact rock beauty are one of the most delicate angel to have......... It is very difficult to get them to eat and the need very clean aerated water......

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Rock beauty are extremely difficult to keep.

In fact, the book Natural Reef Aquariums by Fenner recommends that people not buy it because of its special dietary need for sponges.

they are also very expensive, being from the Carribean ocean.

mine is feeding on Nori and doing really well at the moment. Just got it from PXXXXXX MXXXX for a very good price and started eating right away. ;) So it's not that hard to keep them. The Coral beauty even though cheaper is alot more picky! :D

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mine is feeding on Nori and doing really well at the moment. Just got it from PXXXXXX MXXXX for a very good price and started eating right away. ;) So it's not that hard to keep them. The Coral beauty even though cheaper is alot more picky! :D

hey pls read up more before commenting........ Rock beauty are by far one of the most difficult angel to keep as they require very aerated water and need alot and i mean alot of effort to get them to eat....... Hey sailfin how long have you kept yours, if its just one or 2 months then i believe it is still not right to say that yours is doing fine as if i am not wrong pacif** mar*** just bring in their carribean shipment not long ago and i was there..........

Coral beauty are definately more hardy than rock beauty and suggest you read up more from www.liveaquaria.com

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hey pls read up more before commenting........ Rock beauty are by far one of the most difficult angel to keep as they require very aerated water and need alot and i mean alot of effort to get them to eat....... Hey sailfin how long have you kept yours, if its just one or 2 months then i believe it is still not right to say that yours is doing fine as if i am not wrong pacif** mar*** just bring in their carribean shipment not long ago and i was there..........

Coral beauty are definately more hardy than rock beauty and suggest you read up more from www.liveaquaria.com

I got mine from PXXXXXX MXXXXX once a upon a time , a long , long time ago! :D I have 2 rock beauties! :D It's been 2 years since I first bought the 1st one and the other I got recently. ;) PXXXXXX MXXXXX not only brought them just weeks when you were there too as they have been bringing in Rock Beauties for a long time now. Ask the boss and he will tell you how long I've been a customer to them. ;) I always thought they were hard to keep but they are a piece of cake! :yeah: I think a 6 x 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 . with alot of water movement and an ozonizer will do the trick. Right now I'm getting the new one to jump for Nori , like a dolphin! :lol: It's an expensive fish but I always get a good price ;) No trouble keeping two in a tank either. :D

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I got mine from PXXXXXX MXXXXX once a upon a time , a long , long time ago! :D I have 2 rock beauties! :D It's been 2 years since I first bought the 1st one and the other I got recently. ;) PXXXXXX MXXXXX not only brought them just weeks when you were there too as they have been bringing in Rock Beauties for a long time now. Ask the boss and he will tell you how long I've been a customer to them. ;) I always thought they were hard to keep but they are a piece of cake! :yeah: I think a 6 x 2 1/2 x 2 1/2 . with alot of water movement and an ozonizer will do the trick. Right now I'm getting the new one to jump for Nori , like a dolphin! :lol: It's an expensive fish but I always get a good price ;) No trouble keeping two in a tank either. :D

ERM.......... :whistle:whistle:whistle dun want to argue, because there is enough infor from the web to state that it is a delicate fish

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