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Alantic Blue Tang and Redsea Sailfin

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  • SRC Member


Not long ago had queried abt the Orange Shoulder Tang, but had decide not to

go for it as it might out-grown my tank.

Had did some searching and decide on these two potential candidates.

The Alantic Blue Tang and RedSea Sailfin Tang.

Currently, I had 6xanthias, 5xchormis, 2xclown, 1xblenny, 1xkole, 4xshrimps.

Corals are mostly zoos,mushie and blasto. Tank is 4x2.5x2.

1) Will I have issue with these 2 fishes with my current LS?

2) I intend to add in (1or2)xYT at the end of the days.

What should be the intro order? ABT > Sailfin > TY?

3) Any1 currently had a Alantic Blue Tang or RedSea Sailfin in their tank.

Wish to do a house visit :P

Let me know. Thanks!


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  • SRC Member

atlantic blues are very docile creatures when there are other tangs in the tank. it's very easy to see if its stressed or not. The colour of the tang changes to pale blue immediately when stressed, when returns to dark blue when calm.

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  • SRC Member

I agree with dradttg that Sailfins can be aggressive and territorial fishes. I have one in my 4ft tank and it's always fighting for the position of 'King-of-The-Tank' with my larger Yellow Tang. The both of them are always tail-fanning each other.

I got the sailfin tang from fellow reefer here who said the sailfin killed one of his tangs in his tank. :pinch:

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do pacific and redsea sailfins have difference in aggressiveness?

mine is a pacific but is pretty docile....unlike my yt and pt...yt keep chasing pt <_<

I am not sure about the differences between the Pacific & Redsea species. I, myself, have a Pacific Sailfin and it is an aggressive little bugga.

I guess you have to take 'personality' into consideration. Like dogs & cats, I guess different fishes have their own personality and may deviate from their stereotypical description of their species. :peace:

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

got myself a ABT last week. Started to feed on F2 pellets and mysis :P

it also clear some marco algae that the kole left alone :P very active

fellow and quick to adept as well ... now not afraid of ppl walking pass

the tank anymore :P 1 funny thing i noticed is that my ABT dun take

the F2 pellet in the morning and eat like a pig in the evening on F2 :P

my ABT is still juvenile with yellow tail :)


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sorrie to hijack the thread,

require some expert advice from the tang pros :(

got myself an ABT oso. abt 3 days oredi. however still seemed veri

stressed. always hiding away from other tangs but it has come

into the open occasionally. tried to feed frozen brine and F2 pellets

but to no avail :(

first day kena wack by purple then chase by yellow not disturb

by blue tang... wa sianzz man..... can see some signs of itch

yeah degree of stress is evident in the intensity of its color.

how to get the tang to feed? any expert advice in this field?

appreciate it :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

:lol: ABT is a great fish, neber bother any fish :P

tang shld be intro in order of aggressiveness and ABT shld be 1 of

the 1st tang to intro coz it is very gentle :P

but since this is not ur case, IMO u can try,

1) flood ur tank with different type of food and see which type ur ABT

will take. try pellets, flake, henry frozen food, mysis etc

my ABT started taking F2/mysis on the 4th day. I also place

a rock of red bamboo, clip some veggie/nori etc

2) put ur ABT in QT till it feed on the desired food u wanna feed

as for kena whack by other tang, if this continue maybe u shld consider

letting go ur ABT


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This is what I've encountered. Usually when I introduce a new tang into my tank, they will be chased and whacked by other tangs already in the tank. But after 1 ~ 2 weeks, they will get sick of chasing and they live happily ever after... :lol:

That is if that new tang can survive the stresses encountered during the 1~2 weeks. <_<

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