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Angelfishes not eating

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Hi bro and sis out there, i have bought a bicolour angelfish last week and put it in my tank. But it does not eat anything but it kept foraging on the stone for foods. I tried giving brine shrimp but it does not eat and instead eat something from the live rock. It is quite a cause for concern :( .

Anyone have any experience with them? Any feeding method to follow in order to get them eating the brine shrimp or other food?

Thanks in advance. :):bow:

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  • SRC Member

Yup..sure mine does that too...when they are eating out of the rocks they might get 70%of chances of getting ICH..i find this irritating...

anyway you would not see it eating but it will be fine..its not like other creatures..once the food is put in they eat..i was worried at the beginning now relaxed...i tell you the truth..you wont find it eating INFRONT of your eyes...they eat when not seen..


3.5 X 2.5 X 2.5 Reef Coming up :))




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  • SRC Member

It's not good and definitely not okay to let a angelfish continue eating algae off rocks. Not enough nutrition to fight off bacteria and diseases.

Angelfishes, like some tangs, need to be trained to take frozen food when they are purchased. Like many times stated in this forum, try to buy only those who are already feeding at LFS.

Bicolors and Yellow angels can be quite finicky sometimes, and need training..

Try different methods and see which one works best..

Methods to try-

Live Brine Shrimp

Nori (Seaweed)

Henry's Food (From ML)

Soak food in Garlic

Mysis Shrimp

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It's not good and definitely not okay to let a angelfish continue eating algae off rocks. Not enough nutrition to fight off bacteria and diseases.

Angelfishes, like some tangs, need to be trained to take frozen food when they are purchased. Like many times stated in this forum, try to buy only those who are already feeding at LFS.

Bicolors and Yellow angels can be quite finicky sometimes, and need training..

Try different methods and see which one works best..

Methods to try-

Live Brine Shrimp

Nori (Seaweed)

Henry's Food (From ML)

Soak food in Garlic

Mysis Shrimp

:thanks: all for the reply. Bro akahosi, i would like to ask wether do you soak the food in normal garlic or mix it with garlic guard?

I have tried to train my bicolour angel to eat the brine shrimp already for about a week, however, it kept foraging on the live rock instead of eating the food that i gave it. It does eat sometimes but it simply spit it out again. Do you have any method to get it eating? like putting the food everyday to tempt it etc, etc.....

Any bro/sis out there who knows the method to feed the bicolour angel, please help..... :)

Thanks in advance. :):bow:

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  • SRC Member

If it's sampling the food, but spitting it out still, it's okay. The angelfish is just getting used to the food.

Try to approach the feeding of it slowly, it is still scared of it's envoirnment, thats why it keeps hiding when you feed it.

As for you garlic question - Soak it in garlic guard.

Also, use something like a syringe or turkey baster to put a little food at a time into the tank, it helps alot as it doesn't scare the fish too much..

Hope this helps..

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