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christmas worm mysterious death


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  • SRC Member

One of my christmas worm died unexpectedly. Its two "tails" are sticking out and not retracting. Initially, I thought my cleaner shrimp was playing with it but when i poke it, it didn't move at all. The rest of the worms are ok. Anyone any idea what could have happened?

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Dun really koe wat type of S'mas worms u toking about. If its the coco type...it may only be its crown that is lost...the worm will generate a new crown given time.

If its the x'mas type found in porites...seems that some people believe that once the porites die...the worms will die too.


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  • SRC Member
Thanks B|uEc@rpEt, but my worm is sticking out and not moving and its crown is gone. I dont know what type of Xmas worm i have. Will post a photo tomorrow. Now its dark.

Christmas worms live in big groups in corals and tend to be small except for the odd extra large batch. Coco worms are sold alone living in large individual calcareous tube. tend to be an inch or so wide.

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  • SRC Member

Christmas tree worms are usually found with the hard coral Porites. The worms don't fare very well if the coral dies. Porites require good water (all parameters), high current and strong light. If given the right conditions, Porites grows very fast. Don't buy the coral for the worms if you don't have the necessary conditions for the survival of the coral. It's commonly sold as Xmas tree worm rock.


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I don't know which LFs has them right now. I got mine from Reef World. Just to remind you again in case I wasn't too clear, they are not rocks but actually living corals. 'Rock' is a misnomer.

Article on Xmas Tree Worms might interest you.


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yep, them worms are living in a coral.- but first have to look after the coral.

unless u just look for the coco types of tube worms- in their own calcareous tubes(usually white)- crown colours can come in white,yellow & reddish/orangy. be prepared to pay.$15-$30++ each

on the other hand- fan worms(featherduster) in their mud & mucous tubes are only $1,come in brown,yellow crowns- avail everywhere.

position them on the lower parts of the tank- can even stick them between rocks(they will filter the water for particulates to build their own tubes).

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  • SRC Member
yep, them worms are living in a coral.- but first have to look after the coral.

unless u just look for the coco types of tube worms- in their own calcareous tubes(usually white)- crown colours can come in white,yellow & reddish/orangy. be prepared to pay.$15-$30++ each

on the other hand- fan worms(featherduster) in their mud & mucous tubes are only $1,come in brown,yellow crowns- avail everywhere.

position them on the lower parts of the tank- can even stick them between rocks(they will filter the water for particulates to build their own tubes).

Hunting high and low for Coco worms.. Anyone seen it recently? where?

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Your Porites is dying in patches! I would suggest you add more light and check that all the water parameters are normal, including calcium, alkalinity and pH.


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If the Porites continue to deteriorate than I don't see much chance for the worms to survive.


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Hi TTB...I have this too...

Actually tanzy i think that for this species...unlike the x'mas tree worm...even if the coral substance (is it really porites or some other coral type?) dies...the worms will not die.

This species is very much like the coco worm and each worm has its own shell...and like the coco worm it can be fed filter food.


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I'm not too sure, but they look like the same thing to me. Anyway, I won't encourage the keeping of X'mas tree worm rocks unless the system is able to allow SPS to thrive. Those worms are probably more than 40 years old to reach that size. The worms will die 2-3 years after the coral dies even with feeding because their tube get bored into by other organisms or the rock gets badly degraded.


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