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any bros wana buy equipment from HK?


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  • SRC Member

damn man, SD card reader failing me now...

cant show you guys the stuffs..

anway, iantoh, Tigger and Zehuan:

equips have been procured. can collect on sunday.

my flight back around 11.15 from HK, can collect after 4



That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

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  • SRC Member

woah, listened to vincent, got the OR6500..

shiok sial... no sound no heat no nothing man yoyo yo uh huh..

some more save around SGD$200 woohoo!!


That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

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  • SRC Member
damn man, SD card reader failing me now...

cant show you guys the stuffs..

anway, iantoh, Tigger and Zehuan:

equips have been procured. can collect on sunday.

my flight back around 11.15 from HK, can collect after 4


Ack with thanks. Pls PM me yr contact and address.

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  • SRC Member

hey bro i quite f*** up with these equipments one leh..

needle wheel pump what brand what make? must say clearly hor..

hey bro.. u seems angry..? sorry.. haha.. btw.. did u get the orp controller for mi? cause after i check with some bro.. they sae tt the orp controller only cost $150 or mostly $160.. ya.. sorry..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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  • SRC Member

hey bro.. u seems angry..? sorry.. haha.. btw.. did u get the orp controller for mi? cause after i check with some bro.. they sae tt the orp controller only cost $150 or mostly $160.. ya.. sorry..

no la angry for what hahahaha...

seriously, arnd the range of SGD$180...

im asking ADEC in SG for the wholesale price for you bro..

150-160 i cannot possibly buy high sell u cheap right?



That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

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  • SRC Member

no la angry for what hahahaha...

seriously, arnd the range of SGD$180...

im asking ADEC in SG for the wholesale price for you bro..

150-160 i cannot possibly buy high sell u cheap right?


receive ur pm.. understand wad u mean.. haha.. $180.. can lah..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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  • SRC Member

Bro, for this H&S price in hk is cheaper than sgp, but hor 2nd hand set in sgp selling ard 400+ nia. can buy, imo.

buaahahahaha, couldn't resist the temptation of the 150-F2001 hehe*

really superb great price i have gotten...

way way way below SGD price.. heheh shiok*

hope to join Melvyn's H&S contingent


That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

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  • SRC Member

it seems like the hardware shops are heightening their prices for they know SGreans love buying motors from HK..

same price they are giving as the LFSs...

however, the LFS are stuck with the japan made MDs and MXs, so the price really really steep..

MX-70, i got quoted at HK$1700 even at the mention of buying 2 units, so...

when u going HK bro? i know how to make ur ministress of finance happy in HK, shopping in Shenzhen is real fun sial...

it goes like..

sales poachers (really aggressive): "come in, anyhow see see lor"

customer: "oh, ok."

after some browsing...

customer: "how much is this?"

sales poacher: "ok, this one i can give $######, others i surely give $###### -$200RMB..

customer: "sure not? everyone u also say the same thing la"

sales poacher: "really la.. come come, what size u want?"

customer: " u give me how much 1st? $###### / 2 ok not? if not i leave liao..."

sales poacher: "pls dun get me into trouble leh..."

customers starts walking away.. (imo, realli must threaten one)...

sales poacher: " ok la ok la, just my day to meet you sial"

but on a serious note, i have heard stories whereby u ask to browse many many items but just leave without buying, it often ends up a disaster...

!@$%#%%@#!@$@#$ dio pa... bashing up... no kidding

but shiok la, bags, shoes, wallets, just the things to keep women happy


That just because someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to,

doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

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  • SRC Member
it seems like the hardware shops are heightening their prices for they know SGreans love buying motors from HK..

same price they are giving as the LFSs...

however, the LFS are stuck with the japan made MDs and MXs, so the price really really steep..

MX-70, i got quoted at HK$1700 even at the mention of buying 2 units, so...

when u going HK bro? i know how to make ur ministress of finance happy in HK, shopping in Shenzhen is real fun sial...

it goes like..

sales poachers (really aggressive): "come in, anyhow see see lor"

customer: "oh, ok."

after some browsing...

customer: "how much is this?"

sales poacher: "ok, this one i can give $######, others i surely give $###### -$200RMB..

customer: "sure not? everyone u also say the same thing la"

sales poacher: "really la.. come come, what size u want?"

customer: " u give me how much 1st? $###### / 2 ok not? if not i leave liao..."

sales poacher: "pls dun get me into trouble leh..."

customers starts walking away.. (imo, realli must threaten one)...

sales poacher: " ok la ok la, just my day to meet you sial"

but on a serious note, i have heard stories whereby u ask to browse many many items but just leave without buying, it often ends up a disaster...

!@$%#%%@#!@$@#$ dio pa... bashing up... no kidding

but shiok la, bags, shoes, wallets, just the things to keep women happy

haha.. u muz have bring lotsa money with u.. :lol::lol::lol:

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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