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6x2 ft Designer Reception Marine Tank


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  • SRC Member

Saw this Designer Tank sat under a reception counter at a client place.

It is about 6ft x 2ft x 1ft (4" overflow filter area at the back). Think got 2 pump outlets (upper left & right) but no skimmer and a few bags of activated carbon w/poly filter. It has couples of dead 'live' rocks (covered with slime.etc). Fishes consist of Clown, blue damsel, butterfly, etc. Quite regular replacement of fishes.

Saw the maintenance crew comes for their monthly manitenance as the client complained of dirty water. Saw the crew changed only the polyfilter and even advises the client not to feed too much to the fish as lots of uneaten food pellets are left on the filter hence causing dirty water. Client was given only a small can of 'Marine' dry food pellets for the fishes. (regular feeding by security guard)


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  • SRC Member
I think the fishes wouldn't last over a mth...

Which company is in charge of the maintenance? :evil:

From the same supplier. Guess the client probably goes for the basic setup & maintenance (gathers is about S$1XX per month) to save cost.

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  • SRC Member
I would say the company that is in charge of this tank is really unprofessional to provide such poor service. If the water is a little more murky, it will look like the Amazon river....

Look like Amazon river also quite natural wat.....opps its suppose to be a marine tank....hehe :D


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i think they probably just swap one new one in everytime the old ond dies...

shucks man... how did the water become so muddy in the first place???

According to maintenance crew, client had overfeed the fish hence there are a lot of leftover bits & pcs on the polyfilter. (to prove that the color of the waste is similar to the color of the dry food.


the crew changed only the polyfilter and even advises the client not to feed too much to the fish as lots of uneaten food pellets are left on the filter hence causing dirty water.

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  • SRC Member

hahaha biggest CON job in town hahaha.... gd one... even my drain water is clearer n that one got no polyfilter hahaha

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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I think the fibreglass back panel looks strangely similar to the works of Atlantis located at IMM. Very stuck up sales person.

So i am not the only one who recognise their works. ;) I think Atl@nti5 is one of the few people that do the backdrop with fibre glass coat. I guess the designer tank has reached this shambles because the owner refuse to pay for a potentially exorbitant maintenance fee. I was told by one of my customers ,who had a tank built by one of these shops, that he was charged $80 twice a month for maintenance. At first he was alright with it, being towkay and all, what is $160 a month if he can just sit back and enjoy?

The tank looked very nice for 1 month when it was newly setup but soon became a disaster. Everything started to die, corals and fish. So he began to question the guy who maintained his tank but was given very obscure answers. As most of the maintainence was done when he was not around, he asked his employee to take note what the chap did each time he went for a maintainence. And guess what? The chap went there, feed the fish and clean the glass with the glass magnet..made a phone call to this towkay and told him he was done!

Like that he made $80! At least pretend to do KH ,PH , Phosphate and Nitrate tests lah. Act a bit more professional mah...

By the way, guess how much i was quoted for a similar setup as the display tank at the door to Atl@nti5? A whooping $7000.

So always recommend potential reefer to come visit SRC. Even if he kena ketok, it is by our own guys and then we can have another round of flaming :evil:

But on a serious note, i always take it as my responsibility to give responsible and relatively good advice to potential reefers. :) Hope all reefers can do their little part rather than trying to make that few pathetic bucks fleecing fellow reefers.

My honest opinions :D

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