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Hi all, today i start to see a number of bristleworms (at least ten)...small hairy crabs onto my sandbed (remove them?).. miny mushrooms dieoff from 10kg LR... 10 days into cycling..Is this normal at this period?

In the tank only got two hermit crab.

Another qns, is that if i will to transferred to another bigger tank 2FT to 3FT at this period (Just got another tank from friend) . Can i just transferred them over including the salt water? Or change entired new SW?

Thanks all...

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  • SRC Member

for tansferring, you can transfer all along with the water as well.

IMO: whether wanna to replace some of the water is up to you.

I would believe even one transfer all the same and exact same stuffs from old place to new place, small cycling period will definitely be kick off, just how much is these spike or new cycling really depend.

Because in new place, you placing the old stuffs in different position liao.

So many unseen things may died off due to positing shifting, no enough light access or too much or little flow will definitely have great impact here.

So, in short. After the shifting, do constantly monitor your tank water for about 1 month.

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Thanks.... And the dying off is normal i presumed? Leave them there or remove them?

I did the test.. NH4 has lower and NO2 has risen sharply at this period and did the test today again. NO2 has drop slightly... On the right track?

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Hi bro, wat would these hairy crab do? I have one in my tank... Its less than 1 inch now and likes to hide my burrowing in between sand n LR.

So far it seems super timid and hide away whenever fishes swim near...

Mine is 3ft tank, FOWLR...

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  • SRC Member
Hi bro, wat would these hairy crab do? I have one in my tank... Its less than 1 inch now and likes to hide my burrowing in between sand n LR.

So far it seems super timid and hide away whenever fishes swim near...

Mine is 3ft tank, FOWLR...

hairy crabs eat fishes n knock down rocks n corals

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
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