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Am I a Pilot ....hamannbmw


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give it up already lar....

think it should stop somewhere even b4 the thread is deleted.....

live and let live....

no point rubbing salt into the wound....

what comes ard goes ard....

we are after all one same family...

even if u dun agree with me on above points....

at least dun degrade yourself to the same level by doing similar things to what he has done to u.... :erm:

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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Bro Muar Chee, wow everytime think of you I got the urge to go find some Muar Chee to eat... yummy yummy.

What you just said makes a lot of sense, we shall not degrade ourselves to the level of that idiot. After all he has not only cheat everyone but at the end of the day the biggest looser is only himself.

He can only looking at his SPS thru the computer screen and not at the tank.

But I disagree with you on the one family thing, who wants to be the same "family" as him?

Provided he stops his dirty tricks and stop trying to shoot and flame good pple then I will just treat that he don't exist on planet earth :sick::blink::pirate:

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alamak now you change target shoot me liao.. I am just a poor honest reefer only... don't do that to me pls......

抓虫虫请WL哥哥吃... :cry: 恨您.. 恨您 :kiss: 来吃 来吃

您不想要吃...好!!! :evil: 小猪猪请hamannbmw哥哥吃

您在那里???? hamannbmw哥哥... 来 .. :kiss::kiss:

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Although I am also not very sure about what is going on but I believe things will work out

I mean, I do agree to some extent that photoshoping to a completely different picture is a rather bad action but he is doing it at his own will and conscience.

Well most of the other amazing corals you see out there are also photoshoped to some extent, there's no escaping from the fact.

WL, I'm not sure about the cheating part but as far as photoshoping is concerned, as long as those pictures do not cause you grief disturbance or affect you socially or mentally, why not just accept it :)

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To me, you will be unique in all the world.

To you, I shall be unique in all the world...

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