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Marine fish shops


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I have only been to the one at LCK 110. But it is very inaccessible unless u have a car.. Anyway, i find it not that great (suppose to be a farm right?). It was open for a few mths till now but most of the corals that he sell is put in the open without light (pure sunlight?) and as for fishes, his may have slightly more than those neighbourhood marine shops.

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I have only been there 3-4 times and i don't think they are giving me the best price yet (not really their old/frequent customer yet?). So the price that he is giving me now is pretty standard and comparable to most other neighbourhood shops but i actually expecting lower (since it is a "wuru" farm). btw, which farm in Seletar? I am very interested..

PS: i have bad impression about Rainbow. It is expensive and some of

them i don't think they are very knowledgable and handling is poor

(the fishes die easily?)?

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Seletar Farm way West, T95.

Supreme Aquarium - T-95 Seletar West Farmway 1 - 64823083

Is hard to find this shop and it almost near to the end of the road but you can see a colour poster show 'Marine Fish, 95' and an arrow. Once you see the poster, turn left and walk/dive all the way up the end of the 'run down' house and you will find it. Fishes are nice and good collection of corals too. SW only selling $3 for 10gal. If you buy others stocks, can reduce to $2 per 10 gal. Somtime, he even give you free. Coals too......he he....

Rainbow is at Serangoon Nth. next to Petmart. My advise is....Dun go there and buy any live stock, too ex lah.

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  • SRC Member

Rainbow!!!! Don't get yourself into trouble there. I start my marine 10yrs ago, everything bought from them, and got conned BIG TIME .... :(

Anyway, here is my grandpa story to tell. Long long ago, when Rainbow still selling lots of marine livestock, they allow ppl to buy fish and coral on credit. I never did that until I fine day I saw a damm chio flame angel. As a sch boy then, I only have $40 in my wallet and the fish cost $95 then.

So they offer me to take the fish first and pay later. Of coz i overjoy and took the offer. They issue me an invoice with my surname "Chua" written on it.

After the 1st on-credit purchase, I started to use this "service" more often, becoz I haven't get pocket money for the next week (mine is weekly pocket money). I will go the next visit to pay my previous purchase and then add a new credit for my new purchase. Finally comes a day the boss ask me a question. That sucker ask me "You always take take the fish, but I never see you pay money". I was stuned, so I grab his worker that receive my payment to verify, luckily they said pay liao...hengz...i thought the workers eat my money.

Here comes the worst event of all.....

On a Sat morning, I went there as usual to pay my credit and buy new fishes. The boss saw me and ask me wanna do part-time job since it's sch holiday, $50 a day. Why not...such a good offer. He ask for my IC and tel number and noted down my particulars, start work the next day. So sunday I go to work!!! But instead of work, he pull out a pile of invoice, all written with the name "Chua". The total bills was like 8k+, and wanted me to pay. I almost fainted. I look through the invoice, items like Jap Koi for 2k each and those fresh water stuff pop up. They insist that I have bought the item and I have to pay NOW. FYI, I never buy a single fresh water livestock from them before. They grab me and refuse to let me go, I tried to run and one of the guy throw a punch on my face. Finaly I told them, I have to go home take money, or else how to pay. They took my trick and let me go off. I rush home and call my father which later reported the police. But then SG police so lazy, they said unless they harrass me again, they will not take it as a case.

So during the nite, my father and me went down to Rainbow again. With my father around, they don't dare to be rude liao. My father clarify with them that I never have a fresh water fish since I started marine. And not every stupid invoice with the word "Chua" belong to me. Ended up they ask me 1 question, "Did you buy those stuff?". Of coz I said no. They said okie lor but added that they "will remember me".

After that incident, I hate Rainbow very very much. They are a gang of hooligan preying on innocent boy for money. On 1 occassion while i visiting a LFS at Katong, they happen to be there too. They followed me until I out of the shop and chase me, wanting to hit me again. I ran and ran, managed to halt a taxi and jump in and then show them monkey face.

I never go to that Katong shop anymore, neither I go near Rainbow.

EVen now I go Petmart, I will not walk pass the front of Rainbow. Just wanna warn you guys about my experience.

THE END..... hope you enjoy reading..... :lol:

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Personally... i feel the place is run by c**w ah b**gs... :)

Ask too much questions and they will beat you up. Kekeke!

I didn't know they were selling marine more than 10 years ago already.

Why did they stop and why after all these years... they are still doing it WRONG??!!!! <_<


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what nice story...it's a bad experience for me.

By the way..I only know they selling marine beside another shop in TPY central 10yrs ago. They charge $12 for a flower pot, $95 for a flame angel.

And stupid me actually bought a king angel for $280...the lists goes on....

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Woah! Thanks for sharing your experience. Never tot such things can happen in a LFS. Sounds like some Sim Lim electronic shops stories....

We need to be aware of such rude, dishonest cheats.

I was thinking; maybe in your story, someone else is using your name 'Chua' for some other uses, all at your expense. I think it is not too dfficult to do with an old manual credit system.

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  • SRC Member
Woah! Thanks for sharing your experience. Never tot such things can happen in a LFS. Sounds like some Sim Lim electronic shops stories....

We need to be aware of such rude, dishonest cheats.

I was thinking; maybe in your story, someone else is using your name 'Chua' for some other uses, all at your expense. I think it is not too dfficult to do with an old manual credit system.

Really, if they were/are such gangsters then they wouldn't have stopped at demanding money from you. They might even have doctored the records-you have no way of proving whether they did or not, afterall if you just use Chua as your credit account name they could just add in more records of expensive stuff bought by "Chua". Who knows! :angry: You bought a king angel for $280!!!! Wow!

Live Rock, what Sim Lim stories? Tell us? :rolleyes:

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Hi everyone,

I was fifteen when first started experimenting with marine tank. What got me going was "Red Sea Aquarium" which used 2 b at the bus stop near Cathay. There were a stretch of aquarium shops - 4 if I'm not wrong - with only "Red Sea Aquarium" selling marine fishes. In fact, I hv frequented the place since 10 yrs old. Initially I was rearing fw fishes & 5 years later switched to sw.

Now, it's been more than 10-13 years since I last walked into "Red Sea Aquarium". I remember asking the price of an anemone a&the guy qtd $50.00 ... other shops selling the same fr $5.00 only. It was just a ordinary anemone... no purple tip or red carpet anemone. Anyway that was the last time.

In the past, things were really expensive... I'm talking abt the time when purple tang use 2 cost $600.00 & a queen angel was priced at S$1,000.00. I've personally witnessed a guy issuing a cheque fr the queen angel. The shop was at Katong.

It was abt that time I came 2 know Rainbow, just a few days b4 Deepavali. There was a purple tang & it was in a pretty bad shape.... colour faded, spots all over & it was like counting it's last hrs. As I was looking closely at the fish, one of the guy at the shop asked me if I was interested & that he could sell me cheap. So I asked him how much? The guy replied confidently... o.k. lah I give it to you at $250.00. Prior to this I already bought a Achilles Tang for $145.00 & a Personifer Angel at $120.00 on the same day. During that time I wasn't a experience buyer so I think I paid a high or should I say a very high price or was it that the market price was such, if anyone could concur.

After that I found new shops.... prices were much lower. Since then I've never stepped into Rainbow again & probably never will. I wonder how long his luck will hold.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • SRC Member

SIGH, I must admit, after reading all yr stories that I just fell into their trap 2 days ago...

Me had a floating type hydrometer and thot i'd get an accurate swing type instead, but unfortunately Petmart was out of stock so I had no choice but to look in Rainbow- I've never bot much from this place cause the fish are RIDICULOUSLY priced (Blue Tang at $18 instead of $8 - i just bot from Pasir Ris Farmway)

The Deep Six they selling was at $25, and desperate me had to settle for it...now i feel so stooopig, SIGH :(

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