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Newbie tank


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Just setup the tank 1 week ago... any commends or improvement to it ?

Specs as follow:-

-2 FT tank= 2 * 1 *1.5

-cheapo Skimmer (air driven)

-Jebo external filter

current habitants:-

- 2 * hermit crab

- 1 * cleaner scrimp

- 1 * unknown scrimp (transparent with white spots on body. Anybody can tell me what "model" is it? )

- 1 * miny tobang hairy crab (dun noe hide where)

Parameters of water:-

Never check for all cos dun know wat to use? Any recommendments and cost?

Sera test kit -

NH4/NH3 - approximately 0.5mg/l to 1 mg/l

NO2 - 0.1 mg N/l

SG - 1.023

temp risen from 28 to 29++ after i added a few more LR yesterday.

Are all these reading normal ?

Some qns to ask:-

- why is the water in the skimmer filled up with water so fast? Air pump too powerful? Submerge too much into the tank? It just 1 cm above the water from the collection cup.

- Must i on the skimmer since there isn't any fishes in it?

- There is a bag of carbon pack in the fitration column? What is the purpose of it? Must change frequently? If yes, which type should i go for ?

Thanks a lot..


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how about chaning ur skimmer? maybe it will improve.. dc fan to cool down the temperature, but nid to top ip water frequently as the water evapourate very fast.. chiller will be good if you can effort...

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