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Coral Vitalizer


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  • SRC Member

I have been using it for the past 5 days or so. I am getting better polyps extension at nite and also the colors seems to be deeper now especially since my colors were a bit pale previously. Growth spurt is noticed in mille's with a lot of growth tips appearing. Bear in mind that this happened in a span of 5 days. I will give it another week or so and report back the findings the best I can.

Dosing 10-15 drops everynite after lights off together with the regular dosage of AAHC. Recommended dosage is 1 drop/100L to a max of 3 drops/100L :)

So far, so good! 2 thumbs up! :)

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  • SRC Member
I have been using it for the past 5 days or so. I am getting better polyps extension at nite and also the colors seems to be deeper now especially since my colors were a bit pale previously. Growth spurt is noticed in mille's with a lot of growth tips appearing. Bear in mind that this happened in a span of 5 days. I will give it another week or so and report back the findings the best I can.

So far, so good! 2 thumbs up! :)

Thanks for your brief review. Pls tell us more when you have more happening.

Hope to hear it..

But seems that the polyps extension always been longer during the nite. Milli has the fastest growth rate than any other sps in my own opinion. But darken tissue will can be achieve by overdosing amino acid or iodine.


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  • SRC Member

Thanks for your brief review. Pls tell us more when you have more happening.

Hope to hear it..

But seems that the polyps extension always been longer during the nite. Milli has the fastest growth rate than any other sps in my own opinion. But darken tissue will can be achieve by overdosing amino acid or iodine.


Will do a more complete review after some time.

What I meant was when compared to the polyps extension at nite before dosing CV and now. I already have very good extensions even before CV but now its just amazing.

Yup, mille's have very good growth rates but what I have noticed is new growth tips coming out from the sides of the colony branches and the growth has definately hasten when compared to before CV.

Yeah, overdose on AAHC will darken colors that but I think what im seeing is deeper colors and at the same time intense. Too early to tell.

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  • SRC Member
Does over dosing causes algae bloom ? it is better to cut the dosage by half as a start ?

Do the minimal recommended dose which is 1drop/100L. It is ok since it doesnt increase PO4 or NO3 even if overdosed.

Im still curious where you got your CV from cos Weileong has not collected the CV from me yet.

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  • SRC Member

i'm not really observation....but it does seems to have more and better polys extension.....also I did notice new growth in my red millis (probably also on some othe other acros, but too many to track).....

but then again, its has only been a week, does seems quite 'impossible' that are miracle can happen in such a short time frame, it could very well be other things like including more 'stuff' in my feeds...etc.....:P

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  • SRC Member
Im still curious where you got your CV from cos Weileong has not collected the CV from me yet.

:huh: ... I had mine

Back to topic, I have been following zeovit thread, some are saying thay had algae bloom eg. cyano after using CV.

So i'm still very cautious on the dosage :pinch: I does only 3 drop for my 500 L tank :P play safe :lol:

here is waht i read : http://zeovit.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3925&page=3

reefers that had collected yr CV earlier please post yr findings here :thanks:

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9th day of dosing.....all millis seems to have growth tips....a previously brown milli also turning purple.....discover over night a previously brown acro turn green with new growth tip that is blue in color!!!

kind of scary....given that nothing much was changed during the last 2-3 week....

however, i did do a lot more feeding in the last 2 weeks, now my feeding include formula 2 + cyclopless + sprialina + krill - at least 4 times a day, so could be that also....:P

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Dose 5 days ago.

But have already trained some of my acro to feed by using cyclopees and oyster eggs. Have witness now 3 acros feeding during dosing.

Now switch to CV.

Day 1, dose 5 drops during the night (lights off). 1 (new) acro polyps extend its tentacles to capture food where i noticed in the morning (still lights off).

Day 2 to day 3, dose as usual, no time to see any reaction.

Day 4, dose during day time before lights off. Saw my bubbles reacted instantly with numerous tentacles extended. This always happened when i dose cyclopees.

So still got to monitor..


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