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keeping Clown Fish

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  • SRC Member

what type of setup are u looking at?..

a nano setup?..think should be referring to a nano setup..




-Light (FL/PL will do)



think that should be all..cheers!

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  • SRC Member
  clarki said:
Is skimmer necessary ? having a pump inside that small tank could generate heat and taking space ?

any suggestion for filtering equipment - brand and prices ?

You can chosse those air driven skimmer that comes with the sandlewood. Cheap.Only thing is that you have to keep changing the sandlewood when it starts to wear away.But you don't hv to worry abt heating up the tank.

I started off with the AA brand one for my 1 footer fowlr tank. Cost less than $10. Of course got better ones out there.. :)

Depending on the size of your tank. You can use a canister filter or those hang on type. But you have to do regular water changes .Must also moniter salinity as smaller tanks tend to evaporate faster.

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