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me very kuai.. dunno how to cheong...but know where to eat!

go to one of the most expensive roast duck shop around... but it one of the best i've tried..

makan at Duck King or Ya Wang at Xu jia hui near meiluo chen (metro city) Restaurant is beside a hotel. they have other outlets too...

order most expensive duck done 3 styles.. other dishes also pretty good. looks expensive but still pretty cheap!

have fun

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no problem...most important is wan de kai xin!

but also... if you can.. dun miss this place...

go to tongchuan road seafood wholesale center. lots of things to sea! shellfish.. fish..aiya..anything that moves also got la..

now is hairy crab season...get them...so sweet! sorry..it's food again...sigh.

anyway..if you intend to get..it cost about 25-30yuan a jin ( unless i kana kutok la) .. bargain hard and look see first. make sure they get you big ones.. just put in fridge..they survive for a week!

cheong.. go xitiandi lor...or have a drink at peace hotel or the grand hyatt at jinmao..


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Hairy crabs higher chance I will take the bite. Will keep the price in mind and may bring back a few kilos. But worried that the carbs contained some toxic stuff due to the feed being offered to them. This case happened some years back.

XinTianDi is a must to cheong. But so many there but time limited, so must get to know the most happening joint to avoid wasting time. :D

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my gf spent 6mths there... she say try to go Heng2 Shan1 Road.. got lots of pubs there... worth a try..

also.. bin1 jiang1 da4 dao4 opp the bund and mao4 ming2 road....

I've been to xin tian di as well... nice place but I don really cheong so won't know... but things are generally ex there...

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envy envy ... missed my workin days there ..

5 years hor kekeke ..

actually beri much depends on ur expectation/taste ..

if u get wat i mean ...

I am not fussy....无鱼虾也好 :lol: Just list out the places to cheong lah.

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Xin Tian Di alot of Ang Mohs... and the price generally higher... You'll be surprised that the standard of living there pretty high hor... but theres a famous restaurant there, cant remember the name liao, very good food, but ex... the time I went, 7 of us blew S$280 for a dinner... :(

You can also go to Heng2 Shan1 Lu4 or Mao4 Ming2 Nan2 (South) Lu4 for those happening pub joints.... Highly recommended would be the Heng Shan Lu, where there are 2 big happening discos!! :yeah:

AS for night clubs, the most famous one is Tian1 Shang4 Ren2 Jian1...super big and super ex... dun ask me how much, this is wat I learn from other people, but I've never been there... :P

If you're in a disco, and a gal approach you to talk to you, beware!! They'll ask you for $$$ becoz they "talked" to you, its like a night club where u pay them to talk to you... so unless u are interested, better wave at them and dun let them have a chance to sit down... :)

You must also go to Nan2 Jing1 Dong1 (North) Lu4 as the night sky-line is breath-taking... Can also go to Lai2 Fuo2 Shi4 Cheng2 (Raffles), it's like our own Raffles City owned by Singaporeans in shanghai... :)

Near the Lai Fuo Shi Cheng, there's a Xiang1 Gang3 ( Hong Kong ) Ming2 Dian4 Jie1 whereby you find alot of apparels and shops from hong Kong... :)

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If you're in a disco, and a gal approach you to talk to you, beware!! They'll ask you for $$$ becoz they "talked" to you, its like a night club where u pay them to talk to you... so unless u are interested, better wave at them and dun let them have a chance to sit down... :)

Just like the 'butterflies' in Singapore? :lol:

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rav-65 so expert.....

weisoon.... u can try the other forum... SB.... got a specific sub-forum on it....

its a gold mine of information there for such sleeze.....

pm me if u do not know what i am talking about. :ph34r::fear::ph34r:

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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AS for night clubs, the most famous one is Tian1 Shang4 Ren2 Jian1...super big and super ex... dun ask me how much, this is wat I learn from other people, but I've never been there... :P

dun bluff. :evil:

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Check out this pub at Heng Shan Lu call Bourbon Street. Its currently the hootest cheong place on that road. Got hot dancers to see, and sometimes you can see a few good ones among the crowd too.

As for the big, high-class nite clubs, go to chang(2) shou(4) lu, where Tian Shang Ren Jian is there along with another 2. Tell the taxi-driver the road is where the ye(4) zong(3) hui(4) are and they'll send you there!

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Went to one of the most happening pub there called California. It was jammed packed as the F1 race was held there on Saturday/Sunday. The place is located at Park 97 复兴公园/举兰路 junction. As the visit was quite last minute, did not bring camera along to take pictures. This is THE place to visit if you need to do some eye 'washing'. Lots of model standard party girls there, believe me as I had a jaw dropping busy night looking. :lol:

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Nearly, nearly nose bleed. :lol:

But really, those I saw not like those one see at fashion show/catwalk, they looked different in the way that they are not like a clothes hanger, have good 'assets' and height. They also do not have that typical china doll look, kinda of hard to describe but they do really look good and different. Could be after a few jugs of drinks that they looked better. :lol:

Maybe they are out in full force because of the F1 race. All the 'masaleh' at the joint with their $$$$ flying around. :angry:

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RMB$5000 for one go....... ;)


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