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Any bro can help mi to keep my corals?


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  • SRC Member

any bro is willing to help mi to keep my corals in their tank for a few weeks? as my tank is still in the process of making.. and it will be done in a few weeks time.. eh.. those bro who is willing prefer to be staying in the west.. as my corals is very stress now.. (tank leak tt causes them to shift hse..) or any bro can come over and buy if they like it.. haha..

thanks.. and God bless..


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haha.. i transport to u? wher u stay? i stay at the west side.. i got a green and pink tip octo(4 big head) expand up to 18 cm big. and a 5 to 6 head hammer(green tip) open very big too.. 2 true octo, but those small head one.. very green.. one is 2 head, one is 3 head.. a big RBTA.. 1 green prata.. very stress.. and bro wanna try to save it? or help mi keep.. and a fox coral.. huge too.. and few zoos.. got one tt look like the eagle eye. :whistle haha.. very nice piece.. 3 true percula, 1 false.. and a pink tip anemone which seperate from my previous RBTA.. and it change it color to pink tip for a long time le.. color still as vibrant as before.. lol....

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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haiz.. sad to sae.. most of the coral are injured.. so i don wan to sell them.. after all.. thankx to john.. he come and help mi take my LS back.. even my SH left one.. the other 2 old one are dead.. the water are very sucky now.. dead coral smell.. sad..

Reefing is like a Relationship, Once you fall in Love with it, You will Love it for Life... :wub:


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