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DIY LED Main Lights


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  • SRC Member

I was thinking of using LED lights to light up my nano tank. Use the white ones with some blue ones. And since it's DC, would be easier to come up with switches which will give me options of having which light to on at which time or combintation there of. I know it'll take a lot of LEDs but I only have 1x1 square foot to illuminate.

Queston is, would this type of light be able to sustain simple corals like Mushies and Zoos?

Any comments bros?

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member

frankly dont think LED alone is suitable for corals. Purely for lighting up viewing purpose shd be fine. Think cud suit a fish only tank

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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R1_____________10K 1/4W Resistor

R2,R9,R10_____100K 1/4W Resistors

R3-R8,R11-R16__10R 1/4W Resistors

R17___________150R 1/4W Resistor

C1______________1?F 63V Polyester Capacitor

C2_____________10nF 63V Polyester Capacitor

C3____________100?F 25V Electrolytic Capacitor

D1-D13_____Red LEDs 5mm. or bigger, high efficiency

IC1,IC2________7555 or TS555CN CMos Timer IC

SW1____________SPST Slider Switch

B1_______________3V Battery (2 AA 1.5V Cells in series)


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  • SRC Member

thanks for the diagram bro.

any other ideas however regarding using it as main lights? the tanks only a foot deep so was thinking that penetration may not be a problem. probably more on the spectrum issue.

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member

But I guess that the high cost is offset with the fact that you may never have to replace blown bulbs and what-not - with LEDs practically no wear-and-tear issues. LEDs last a very long time.

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  • SRC Member

100 LEDs? wow, that's a lot. does a hundred LEDs produce much heat? Is you nano also 1x1x1? Mind if I come take a look at your setup? :paiseh:

T5 would be nice but as far as I know, the shortest T5 is 2ft :(

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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I DIYed a set of blue LEDs for my tank last time but I didn't do a good job and the LED pins rusted. :(

Here are some pictures if you're interested. :)

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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  • SRC Member

hi bros, thanks for the diagrams and tips. actually, i've done the DIY Moonlight already, quite a while back actually. So in terms of putting them together won;t be my problem. My concern is more on the intensity and/or spectrum of the LEDs as compared to FL/PL/T5. Cause for FL, not enough power if to fit in a 1ft cube, PL nice and bright in the beginning but yellows quite fast. T5 doesn't come in 1ft tubes. So just exploring on the possibility of it. Tried searching on the net but it always points me to Moonlights instead :(

one of the cool things about LEDs is that I am able to design a simple program on PIC (done someting like this before for a diff application) and control which light to go on at an electronic level. Was thinking of putting several strips such that morning light up the eastern strip first, then slowly add more strips until all strips are lit by "noon" and then slowly switch off the eastern strip until only the west will be left snd then fade out, then switch on night light :rolleyes: sounds like a fun project, but more worried about the effect on softies which i plan to buy. :erm:

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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