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RO/DI or DI users please advise


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  • SRC Member

Please help me decide, i read both pros and cons and is in a dilemma of which to get.


Cheaper up front cost

Does not reject water

Expensive in long run as need to change DI filter more often

Water is clean but not as clean as RO/DI


Expensive up front cost

Reject water

Cheaper in long run

Water cleaner than DI

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Did you factor in the rejected water?

RO will reject quite a lot of water. That's why I chose DI

And DI can produce the water faster than RO ;)

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For RO, it depends what is the rate for RO membrance .

E.g 50 , 75 or 100 GPD . if you able to make full use of waste water than RO will be cheaper in long term run.

Also need to consider how much pure water do u need everyday.if usage is low than DI should be fine unless u really need alot to top up .

Of course DI cartridge will be expensive.. :rolleyes: but for RO/DI you also got to change the 1st and 2nd quite often too.

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In order to strength the lifespan of DI cartridge . You must make sure the water ppm goes down . As long your advance filter able to do that than it will helps.

That is why RO/DI system can last at least 8000L for DI cartridge as water passing thru RO membrane usually give you less than 5 ppm.

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  • SRC Member

ever use RO b4....the rejection rate is too high unless u got a booster pump to lower the rejection rate.....

ofcourse th RO will give a much purer water than the DI

its all depend on u la...if u reaali wan pure water n accept the hassle to have another pail of rejection water than go ahead

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  • SRC Member

I'm still trying to understand all this RO/DI thingy...if someone can explain the following, thx very much.

The first stage is the RO, then followed by the DI, but sometimes there is another stage before the RO, like carbon? or micro filter, is that rt?

The rejection ratio of RO/DI good water to rejected water is sometimes 1:3, the smaller the rejectn the better... of course, its better not to have any rejected water. Is tis possible at all?

Can the rejected water be used at all, like to water plants, or is it toxic. Is there any part of the RO/Di system where you can like tap off for drinking purposes, would that be after the RO stage?

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  • SRC Member
I'm still trying to understand all this RO/DI thingy...if someone can explain the following, thx very much.

The first stage is the RO, then followed by the DI, but sometimes there is another stage before the RO, like carbon? or micro filter, is that rt?

The rejection ratio of RO/DI good water to rejected water is sometimes 1:3, the smaller the rejectn the better... of course, its better not to have any rejected water. Is tis possible at all?

Can the rejected water be used at all, like to water plants, or is it toxic. Is there any part of the RO/Di system where you can like tap off for drinking purposes, would that be after the RO stage?

Yup, there are prefilters before the RO stage usually carbon after sediment filter.

Nope, you cannot have no waste water as this is a function of the RO membrane unless the incoming is already 0 TDS perhaps?

Rejected water can be used to water plants, wash clothes. flush toilet etc etc

If you are planning to drink the product water, i guess its best to drink it after the RO stage but actually our tap water is totally safe for human consumption so dunt even need to pass thru the RO/DI filters if u ask me :)

Hope the above helps :)

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  • SRC Member

Thanks for all the sharing guys! Most likely i will go for DI but can anyway advise how to add micron filter prior to DI? Bro Weileong can help?

BH, i am also thinking of getting the same unit as yours, if you interested to add micron, maybe can do together ;)

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Mine has a carbon prefilter before the DI cartridges

Think that also helps in prolonging the life of the cartridge

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Thanks for all the sharing guys! Most likely i will go for DI but can anyway advise how to add micron filter prior to DI? Bro Weileong can help?

BH, i am also thinking of getting the same unit as yours, if you interested to add micron, maybe can do together ;)

you may take a look the DI unit at Reborn. May have a better picture

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