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Banded Coral Shrimp

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Last Friday I bought a banded coral shrimp. After acclimatising, it was introduced into the tank. It was very shy, exploring the LR very slowly.

The next morning on Saturday, it was still ok just clinging on the rocks.

But in the afternoon when I checked, he lost one of his boxer pincers!!!

Any idea what happened? Will it grow back and how often will it molt?

Sure hope he is well and not retiring from the boxing arena B)

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Thanks, bluebeard...

I dun think he has any opponents other than those pesky crabs.

Maybe round 1 he lost. Sure hope he can wallop these drab crabs and keep their pincers as trophies :D

Can't wait for him to molt and get new gloves!!!

BTW, how did u get a matched pair?

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Thanks, bluebeard...

I dun think he has any opponents other than those pesky crabs.

Maybe round 1 he lost. Sure hope he can wallop these drab crabs and keep their pincers as trophies :D

Can't wait for him to molt and get new gloves!!!

BTW, how did u get a matched pair?

hehehe.. in order to get both pincers of the same size, the boxer has to molt around twice. first time will usually have one big and one small.. ehehe.. not balance cannot fight!

matched pair, after 3 tries! by luck! hehehehe

if they don't match, they will usually fight to their death!

if they are match, they can stand side by side and produce a batch of eggs every two weeks!

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wow...BB...u have a mated pair?

Cool...did not really dare to try pairing them off as their claws look so menacing....

Only have mated pairs of Harlequin shrimps.

* my little solitary yellow boxer...


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wow...BB...u have a mated pair?

Cool...did not really dare to try pairing them off as their claws look so menacing....

Only have mated pairs of Harlequin shrimps.

* my little solitary yellow boxer...

hehee.. ya lor.. must be lucky to get them to pair!

their claw is very fierce! i even got bite before!

wah you keep harlequin shrimps ah? how often you buy starfish to feed them? do they have to pair? i tot they won't fight each other.

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Harlequin need to be paired too...as they will fight wif each other if not compatible....but of cos they r not as fierce as the boxers.

Starfish wise...one small starfish (choc-chip type) can last a pair for about 2 weeks or so....while the sandshifter type lasts about a mth or so.

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Harlequin need to be paired too...as they will fight wif each other if not compatible....but of cos they r not as fierce as the boxers.

Starfish wise...one small starfish (choc-chip type) can last a pair for about 2 weeks or so....while the sandshifter type lasts about a mth or so.

hey hi,

where you get your choco chip starfish?

i don't feed them to the shrimp but i keep them.

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Hi BB...

The choco-chip can be found commonly at Hong Leong...but like HQ sd....they r not quite reef safe....its okie for me...cos once the Harlequins have their claws on it...its no letting go....


Linkias r real pretty....reef safe too....:) But must acclimatise them well as i believe they r the most delicate of the lot.

I dun reccomend it for food though...as they have poor 'shelf-lives' :P Tend to waste away quicker than the shrimps can finish them.

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i got 2 choc chips- but mine eat mysis & brineshrimp. Maybe my fault cause i started them, one day they were at the surface & i put brineshrimp into its mouth- then on it will seek,destroy & digest any leftovers from the fish. But have to say they now become good scavengers. Maybe i can recycle them if i ever get halequin shrimps :D - maybe not cause my CBS a little too big & might kill them.


hungry hungry choco

bluecarpet, won't the starfish die while its being eaten alive??

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Hi BW...

Yup...choco can eat other food too...however...under their dets...can include some corals too...had seen my sun coral rot/ eaten after I lifted the starfish off my sun coral one morning :o

Hmm..the funny thing is that the choco is quite hardy....n i've read from somewhere b4 that harlequins usually let bit of the starfish legs go...so as it can regenerate into a new one...(i think it went something like that...cun remember clearly)...

I've seen a couple of small sand shifters in my tank b4....which I believe had regenerated themselves from small bits of its parent leg. :)

And oh...I think the CBS may attack Harlequins....if they come into close contact. I have a pair of harlequins & a CBS in my main tank...they dun fight as both are situated at diff corners....which ###### to think about it....maybe that was why my pair of harlequins shifted from the left side of the tank to the rite side....a couple of days after i introduced the cbs. tks

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Talking abt starfish; do they add a lot of bioload to the system?

I'm thinking of getting a small starfish to make the aquarium more interesting. Anyone know its needs and requirements?

Cheers! :D

i don't think it's bioload is high.

it's great because my starfish also eat algea! since it's flexible, it can even go into the protein skimmer to eat the algea!

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Hi BB...

The choco-chip can be found commonly at Hong Leong...but like HQ sd....they r not quite reef safe....its okie for me...cos once the Harlequins have their claws on it...its no letting go....


Linkias r real pretty....reef safe too....:) But must acclimatise them well as i believe they r the most delicate of the lot.

I dun reccomend it for food though...as they have poor 'shelf-lives' :P Tend to waste away quicker than the shrimps can finish them.

okok thanks.

i did saw them at Hong Leong some time ago but lately they don't have anymore.

the choco chip there is very nice, i don't have one but not as nice, less choco chip.. ehehehe.. maybe because mine still young.

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