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Fierce Trigger!!


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  • SRC Member

to the divers, it is titan trigger.. :lol: otherwise, u can try the clown trigger

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Wah... seems like the clown trigger is the best choice, easily available and a vicious predator...

Will be the 1st fish in my tank as I want it to eliminate all the crabs in my tank before my fishes and corals go in... :evil::evil::evil:

Thanxs all!! :P

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  • SRC Member

can I ask if the trigger is reef safe? my tank also got crab problem(not sure hairy crab or mantis). previously read in liveaquaria and went to buy a 6 line wrasse. 2 day later, the head and tail gone. left the middle part on the bottom of the tank.

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can I ask if the trigger is reef safe? my tank also got crab problem(not sure hairy crab or mantis). previously read in liveaquaria and went to buy a 6 line wrasse. 2 day later, the head and tail gone. left the middle part on the bottom of the tank.

Nope... most triggers are aggresive and non-reef-safe in nature... but there are a few that is... the blue-chin/throat trigger that alot of people seem to be crazy over now is one... :)

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Hey... dun laff.... me intending to get once dat's 6-8 inch big..... will put it into my tank for maybe 2 weeks to give it time to eat the bigger crabs...

Den after that when I remove, will add another 2-3 hawk fishes to finish up and control the smaller crabs!! :evil::evil::evil:

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  • SRC Member

Get the undulate trigger!

I keep one which i use to get rid of the critters in my LRs before putting the LRs into my other tanks. Tried, tested and found to be very effective!

I think the undulate might be a better choice for this task than the clown trigger or the picasso, cos its more hardy and definitely 10x fiercer too! Just dun even think of keeping any other marine creature/fish in the same tank as the undulate. :rolleyes:

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won't it be a little if you spend sometime to cook/cure your LR first then take the time to catch out those nasty crabs?

I seriously doubt the trigger or fishes can finish all the crabs within 2 weeks.


not sure about how to cook rocks... but am aware that cooking takes a few weeks also??

I also have fear that in the long term, the cooked rocks may slowly leach po4 back into the water over a even longer period of time... :)

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