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  • SRC Member

Anyway..this is my new tank..Aquamedic Anthias

will most probably change the lights to MH..will be starting in late November after I shift to my new place...

The Anthias 120 saltwater aquarium is a complete ready to use system comprising:

- aquarium c.120 x 60 x 60 cm,with black silicone joints

- cabinet with stainless steel frame

- Riff 500 under tank filtration system with Turboflotor 1000 motor driven protein skimmer

- Ocean Runner 3500 circulation pump

- illumination:

standard: T5 Sun Beam with 4 x 54 watt T5 fluorescent lamps


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  • SRC Member

Haha. Well, in the midst of planning. :P

I miss my tank. :cry:

Soo... if all goes well, wil be getting a tank to put in my room. Another nano tank. :rolleyes:

Bro Creative reefer,

wow! nice tank set u getting! :P

haha...actually for me i also miss my 2ft...my current 1.5 like not enough swimming space for my clown pair...feel quite sad for them...you going DSB or BB? Maybe we can share setup plans hurhur...my current idea is to just use the biostar as the main filtration than just wavemaker....pondered using liberty with it also but trying to go for minimalist approach and more natural....that's why now also considering BB

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