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maroon clown


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  • SRC Member

my maroon clown which have been in my tank for a couple of days keeps going to 1 side of the tank where there's his reflection. once there, he goes up and down the tank with his nose right at the glass.

think he's lonely... lol does this sign means he's ready to be mated with another clown?

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  • SRC Member
my maroon clown which have been in my tank for a couple of days keeps going to 1 side of the tank where there's his reflection. once there, he goes up and down the tank with his nose right at the glass.

think he's lonely... lol does this sign means he's ready to be mated with another clown?

he is only lonely when he shows any of the below signs....

1. He sings to Akon's Lonely

2. You see him humping a rock

3. You see swollen nuts at the bottom of your clown

4. You see him stroking or fondling his reflections

5. you see .....

i can go on forever....

he is just showing signs of aggression to another clown....

he thinks the reflections is another clown...

clowns tend to be hostile to their own species unless they are of different size....

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member
but not reall aggressive leh...

like going up and down along the glass to his reflection. i mean if he like starts peckin the glass maybe... but this is way gentler... like playful swiming.

maybe i've got a friendly Maroon clown? :peace:

whatever it is.... its normal.... no worries!!!! :peace:

*translated from Hokkien*

"If say no bang wall, this idiot will never ripen" - Mr Quah Siew Kow.

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  • SRC Member

haha thanks all! super new to this hobby so worries everywhere.

any idea if i can mate em tog? beend oing research and they suggest introducing a larger fish, anyway this current 1 has only been in for 2 days...

or maybe its just be being impatient to add mroe LS :lol:

heh but my tank's water perimeters permit!

ammonia 0

nirite 0

nitrate 10 (on the decrease. for th 3rd day running)

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