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Where to buy Natural Sea Water


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  • SRC Member

any fish shop got sell ba.. iwarna olso have,, for delivery i not sure.. but i heard from a LFE tt 1000l of seawater they will deliver for u.. sry if i make a mistake..

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  • SRC Member

most of them got their sea water at changi airport area...or other local SEA.

well...i tihink they deliver the water to you at a premium...

why not go to changi area to "draw" out the water using buckets after buckets..

I am just an average FR (fish reefing) writer. If you like my FRs, please upz my points.

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  • SRC Member

yeah bro, i guess no choice but go there myself :( thing is I don;t have a car which means I'll have to take taxi. Unless some bro can give me a ride :D anybody going to Irwana this weekend? I stay at Simei, anybody from nearby? :paiseh:

wanted to stock up some saltwater so I could ask my maid to do change water in my (future) nano tank even when I'm away.

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member

oh...like that ah. i thought I could stock it so weekly 10% water change wont be a problem. :(

what about salt mixes, can they be kept for long?

sorry mods if the thread became a query instead of sales related :paiseh:

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member

honestly, try making friends and find any reefers that stay around you. Maybe you can tag along with them to visit LFS or farms, you could share the fare of the cab.. or better still if one of them have a transport! :D

Making friends around ur neighbour hood is great... soemtimes i rather unload my un-used equipment or corals that i dont think is suitable for my tank to my neigbouring reefers... and vice versa..

So now.. anyone stays around Toh Yi/Upp Bt Timah areas??? haha

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  • SRC Member

bro, that's what i do too. been unloading a lot of stuff lately and are making lots of friends (i hope). now the problem is, as the bro mentioned, i didn;t know that was a shelf life for Salt water. :(

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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  • SRC Member

hi supremo,

i buy up to ten bags of NSW per trip i make to irwana, and contrary to what they may say, NSW can be kept. in fact, on RC, they recommend you quarantine all NSW in a dark place for at least a wk so as to ensure all life in it dies off, to prevent the introduction of diseases, protozoans, algal spores, etc into your tank. for me, i just keep it so that i can draw on it when i need to. i have used NSW thats been kept in their original bags and stored in my kitchen toilet for over two months to no ill effect, and will continue to do so. it saves me making trips to buy water, and has worked really well for me.

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  • SRC Member
for me, i just keep it so that i can draw on it when i need to. i have used NSW thats been kept in their original bags and stored in my kitchen toilet for over two months to no ill effect, and will continue to do so. it saves me making trips to buy water, and has worked really well for me.

:off: bro u actually re-used the NSW from your tank???

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  • SRC Member

:off: bro u actually re-used the NSW from your tank???

he means he used NSW, not the NSW is "used" or "re-used" :lol:

and yes NSW can be kept. Even more so salt mix. I store my mixed salt water for weeks before using, so that don't have to keep making pails full. have three jerry cans to keep the water i mix in bulk.

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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Yup its the way to do it. I always have 2 jellycan(25L x 2) of NSW store at home. and will change every month. Once used, I will fetch back a can from the LFS. Have 1 whole month to fetch 2 cans. Can do it as and when I feel like. Its a good practice lah... some time emergency use fish sick or wat can just activate the Q-tank. I also use salt mix but only for Hypo use in the Q-tank.

My 2cents :peace:

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I just bought 2 x 20 Litres of NSW, with my 2 "jerry cans". :)

Total cost: 4 bucks.

I have tried NSW from many shops all over SG, and I found the NSW from Irwana to be of the best quality.

I keep my NSW for weeks. 40 Litres of NSW can last me for 1 month. ;)

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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  • SRC Member

this is great :D cause I intend to put up a 1ft cube tank without any equipment except the liberty 200. this way, no need to service a lot of equipment and can ask my maid to do water change for me even if I'm not around. was calculating it, my tank would be around 25liters. If I change 10% every week, that'll be 2.5 liters per change.So the 25 liters will last for 10 weeks. :D

so Iwarna it is. :erm: where to but Jerry Cans?

1. Via-Aqua MultiSkimmer - $25.00

2. DIY Kalk Reactor - $25.00

3. Atman Protein Skimmer - $25.00

PM Me if interested.

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Jerry cans? Get from the army store loh! :lol:

Seriously, I got mine from the shophouse near the "thieves market".

(~ cci[RR]us ~)
A pair of Nemos :: Deep Sand Bed
Solite 2x24W T5 :: Prizm Skimmer with Overflow attachment

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